Chpt. 16 - Seokgatansinil

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15th May

Hoseok's pov 🐰

After a long and tiring block of business, I rushed out the classroom as soon as I heard the bell, along with the shouts of my teacher. I already knew the next time I have class with Mrs Kalsaek she was going to give me an earful about how "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do", along with others that I've heard way too many times. But that was all put to the back of my mind when I saw a certain person, idly leaning against my car.

"Wonnie!" I approached him with long strides, my excitement evident.
"How are you here so early?"
"We had to finish up our presentation for geography. Since I'd already completed it yesterday, I only had to edit some bits and hand it in so the teacher allowed me to leave early. You should've seen the look on Kihyun's face when I told him that this proves I'm the teachers favourite" Hyungwon laughed, reminiscing the events.

We drove with the radio on full blast, not minding the annoyed looks we got from people as we sped past. The reason I had been so eager to leave was not because school sucks and I wanted to get the hell out of there, even though it does, it was because I could finally spend time with Hyungwon.

The past month was spent studying and doing piles of homework. This was all after our march mock test so I was knackered. I had barely anytime to see my best friend, not even in school as we only had two classes together, so I took it upon myself to plan a trip to Seoul for the lotus lantern festival. Our friends agreed on meeting up on Sunday for the parade, but since I had wanted to spend more time together with Wonnie, we were leaving today.

I had only informed Hyungwon about my planned expedition yesterday, to which he told me off for not telling him in advance so he could prepare. He also tried to convince me to leave tomorrow but I refused as I wanted to spend at least a day with just him before we meet up with the others.

"I've got all my stuff in the back, do you need me to help you with yours?" I asked while parking outside my house.
"Nah, I'll manage" he answered, hopping out my car and disappearing into his home.
I got out as well, taking a small suitcase, containing some clothes and other essentials, out the trunk.

I saw Hyungwon bidding his mother farewell, kissing her cheek before making his way towards me, his luggage rolling behind him. My own mother was at work but I had already said my goodbye in the morning. We took the bus to the train station, arriving early. The train showed up on time, so we reached Seoul at around half seven, the whole two hour ride consisting of naps.

Although it was already dark, the street was lit up with neon signs and big lanterns, that were already set up for the festival. It wasn't our first time in Seoul, but it was our first time coming here together. The naps we took made us feel energised, so once we got to our booked hotel room we just threw our stuff inside then ran out the hotel, with our hands intertwined, squealing like little kids.

Taking our time to explore close-by, we stumbled upon a small but cozy looking restaurant.
"Wanna eat here?"
Our stomachs growled at just the thought of food, making us laugh.
"There's our answer I guess" Hyungwon smiled.

The place wasn't fancy but the food tasted heavenly.
"Thith ith delithiouth!" I exclaimed while gobbling up a mouthful of rice with meat.
Hyungwon only gave me a nod, with just as much food in his mouth. Once our hunger was sated, we decided to go get some shut eye. If we wanted enough energy for touring town the whole day, then we'll need all the rest we can get.

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