Chpt. 13 - The Promise pt.2

99 11 2

28th March

Hoseok's pov 🐰

When I came back home, I had not expected to see the one person I wanted to avoid, on my bed, looking so freaking adorable. I was mad at the said person, but for a second I had felt bad for waking him up, with his half-lidded eyes and slightly messed up hair.

I pushed away those thought and made sure he got that I didn't want to see him right now. During the argument, I had said stuff that, I admit, was way too harsh, in the heat of the moment. By the time I realised what had left my mouth, the damage was already done.

"I.." my mouth wouldn't let anymore words come out.
I wanted to apologise, say that I had gone too far, but my pride wouldn't allow it. Or maybe it wasn't my pride, maybe it was the fact that I no longer trusted myself to speak, scared that I would only make the situation worse.

I was frozen in place, even when I saw the figure get up from my bed and walk past me, I couldn't move. The words that the boy had said before leaving, made me realise how stupid I had been for accusing him like that.

"...but I can tell you don't want me here"

That's not true, is what I should've said, what I wanted to say. Yet I didn't, I let him leave.

"Hoseok, Hoseok!"
I came out of my daze and turned to see my mother at my door, with a concerned expression.
"Why did Hyungwon leave in such a rush? Did you guys fight??"
"No, it's nothing" I lied.

"Then bring him back, he was kind enough to help me with dinner when my own son hadn't"
I kept quiet, not really wanting to admit that I had fallen out with Hyungwon.
"Fine, just come down for dinner" she sighs out.
"I'm not hungry" I mumbled back.
She shook her head but gave up and left.

As soon as I was back to being alone I felt all types of emotions run through me. I vividly remembered how Hyungwon had cried, the image was now ingrained into my head and it tortured me. I have seen him cry before, many times as a kid, but it was never me who had caused the waterworks.

The guilt was eating me up, even when I tried convincing myself that, although I might have gone too far, I had every right to be mad at him.

Then why do I feel like this?

Groaning in frustration, I flopped down on my bed and was hit by a familiar scent. It was fading, but still lingered as I inhaled. It smelt like Hyungwon's home, natural with a hint of his cherry air freshener. My thoughts drifted to the boy and before I knew it I found myself falling asleep.


"Hyung, do I look ugly?" The little boy, lying on the bed, asked the older.
"Of course not Wonnie! You're beautiful!"
The younger pouts, not believing the words were genuine.

"You don't have to lie hyung..."
"But I'm not, why would you think that?"
"The boys in my class won't play with me because they said I look like a girl"

Hoseok furrowed his brows in confusion.
"But what's wrong with that? It just means you look pretty"
"I said that too! But they said I also look like a gross frog and my lips are too big, and they teased me for being weak" Hyungwon started tearing up, remembering the cruel words that came from his classmates.

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