Chpt. 14 - Making up

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28th March

Hyungwon's pov 🐢

How long have I been here?

The loud music blaring through the speakers made my hearing muffled, and the hopes of getting away from my thoughts had disappeared. Originally, I had planned to eavesdrop on the funny and questionable conversations some drunk passerby's had, but now that I had stayed for longer than two hours, the music disabled my ability to hear farther than right beside me.

Thankfully no one approached me, and it may have had something to do with the fact that I had been bawling my eyes out at the bar area with a glass of water.

I pulled out my phone to keep me distracted, but was met with a screen full of messages and calls from the one person that had been consuming my thoughts. It frustrates me that I had still wanted to call him after the whole fiasco and as I was trying to resist the temptation, my phone rang.

Contemplating whether I should pick up or not, I finally gave in and answered.
"Oh my god Hyungwon, where are you?! Do you know how worried I was" was the first thing I heard.
Worried? Seriously? After what he said to me, I was sure he wouldn't have cared what happened to me. It irritated me how he's suddenly acting like he cares.

I went outside, meeting the cold breeze as I left behind the warmth of the place filled with people.
"Why do you care?" I hissed, then realising my voice had broken up, I cleared my throat.
The call felt pointless and I still felt hurt. As much as I wanted to apologise and go back to Hoseok, I was stubborn and didn't want to give in, so I hung up before I could change my mind.

Leaning back against the cold bricks that made up the building, I tried to compose myself. I, once again, entered the club, the deafening music and strong scent of alcohol hitting me with as much of a force as when I first entered. In truth, I wanted to drink my worries away but I didn't want to end up like those drunkards who did stupid shit that they were gonna regret the next day, so I had avoided it the whole night.

After the call though, I was tempted, pushing past the dancing crowd back to the bar. There were so many people around me that it wasn't a surprise that I got pushed, stumbling into someone and muttering a small sorry. But before I could continue to my destination, the person grabbed my wrist, roughly pulling me back.

"Well hello there cutie" his breath reeked of alcohol, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust.
Ignoring his comment, I pulled back my arm from his grip and hurried to the bar. When I got there, I sat down and stared at the empty glass that had once been filled with water.

As I was about to call for the bartender, I felt something on my thigh, I trailed the thing, that was a hand, to the man from before.
"Order something, it's on me" the man said, giving me a smug look.

I internally groaned and smacked his hand away.
"No thanks, I don't want to drink"

Not anymore.

Trigger warning: sexual assault

"Well then, how bout we go somewhere...hmm...private" he smirked and placed his hand back, stroking my thigh.
I felt uncomfortable and as I got up, turning to leave, I felt a smack hit my butt making me gasp.
"Nice ass-"

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