Chpt. 2 - The New Guy

112 9 0

March 2nd

Hoseok's pov 🐰

It was second period and I was sat next to Hyunwoo talking about our break, before hearing a familiar voice calling our name. I looked up at the person who had called for my attention with a smile that came automatically, but it soon disappeared when I noticed someone beside Hyungwon who's arms were linked with his as if they had been the best of friends for years. Hyungwon quickly let go of the others arm which seemed to upset the other but he didn't notice.
"So this is Minhyuk my new friend, Minhyuk these are my other friends"
I felt a little jealous (naega anin~) that Hyungwon had already made a new friend this quickly, but that was all.
"The short, annoying one is Hoseok and the other is Hyunwoo" Hyungwon excitedly introduced us.
"Hello, glad to meet you" Hyunwoo greeted the guy politely.
"Hey! What do you mean annoying?!" And I had an urge to clarify that I was Hyungwon's number one,
"Anyway I'm your BEST friend remember" I stated with a smirk to which the 'Minhyuk' guy saw making his smile falter.
"Yeah yeah, whatever"
Minhyuk quickly put on a another smile before saying
"Well it's nice to meet you both! Let's get along" the last sentence seemingly more forced, but it might just be me.
He grabbed Hyungwon and dragged him in the table in front of us.

The teacher was rambling about something which I wasn't listening to, not like I ever do. For some reason my eyes landed on the guy next to Hyungwon, I didn't know why but I felt weird about him. I was starting to get more curious of the platinum blonde boy, and didn't realise that my eyes had found its way to Hyungwon. As questions started to swirl around my head I caught movement of the object I was staring intensely at, to meet the others confused gaze. I immediately looked down at my blank jotter, feeling embarrassed for getting caught. I just hoped Hyungwon didn't think of it weirdly, but it's not like I did anything bad.

The block went by with me only writing the date and my mind wandering elsewhere. When the bell rung I was already out the door, Hyunwoo following close by. We made our way past the many students towards our friends at the cafeteria who greeted us when we arrived at our 'claimed' table. As I was conversing with Kihyun, I heard an annoying voice shout my name.
"HOSEOK!" Seoyeon (ye ik I picked the most generic Korean girl name) screeched from the other side of the hall. She made her way towards me with an angry expression before stopping and giving me a glare.
"What do you want" I asked her with irritation, since I didn't care nor want to know the answer.
"You really think you can just end it like that, why did you break up with me?!"
"I already told you I don't like you like that anymore, maybe I did once but not anymore"
"No I don't accept this, I can't let you go not without a solid answer, is it because of another girl?!"
She was really getting on my nerves, I should've listened to Hyungwon when he said I shouldn't accept her as my girlfriend just because she's hot. You know what they say about hot chicks, they're always psycho (obvs I made that up I know some nice hot peeps)
"How many times do I have to tell you, I D o n t L i k e Y o u, we're over that's it!"
Seoyeon's face was bright red with angry tears flooding down her cheeks, smudging all her makeup.
"You-You'll regret this!" She claimed before storming off.

A crowd had gathered to see what the commotion was about, then quickly went back to their business. This wasn't an uncommon encounter, in fact this happened more often than not and as soon as the drama was over people just go on with their day as if nothing happened. I just sighed and massaged my forehead, turning back towards my friends.
"Jeez what a drama queen" Jooheon commented
"And like, you're not?" Changkyun retorted making Jooheon gasp dramatically.
We all laughed at the two maknae's banter as they continued arguing with each other.
"But seriously what was all that about, care to explain?"
Of course Kihyun would ask about it, typical mother behaviour.
"She called me over during my birthday after you guys left and I decided to tell her that I wanted to break up, she didn't take the news well but I just ignored her and went home" I said shrugging my shoulders, unbothered.
"Who knew such a hottie would turn out that crazy" Changkyun added, the others just nodding.

Break was over before we knew it and we were heading to our next classes. As I was leaving the cafeteria I saw Hyungwon and Minhyuk coming down the stairs that lead up to the roof, they both hugged and then parted ways. I started wondering what they did up there and I was even more confused at the fact that Hyungwon let someone, who he hasn't even known for a day, go with him into his private 'hideout'. The weird feeling I had felt before came back and I had no idea what it was, but it felt somewhat painful?

☆*:.。. 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹 .。.:*☆

I lined up to get my lunch, that was more like slop, hard rice and some plastic material that was supposed to pass off as meat, and reached our usual table. Kihyun was already there since he always makes his own lunch while Jooheon was clinging to him. Soon Changkyun and Hyunwoo arrived taking their seats, while Jooheon kept bugging Kihyun.
"Hyung~ please let me have some of your gimbaps~"
"No get your own lunch and stop begging, it makes you seem pitiful"
"But hyung! I left my lunch money at home so I can't buy myself anything to eat, don't you feel bad for your poor dongsaeng?"
"Well that's your fault for forgetting!"
Jooheon did his best aegyo voice and pouted at Kihyun who just gave him a disgusted look.
"Fine fine, only one though"
Jooheon cheered and took his time to savour the delicious gimbap.

"Um, hey guys"
I turned around and saw Hyungwon taking his usual seat beside me while Minhyuk followed and sat next to him.
"Hey hyung" Changkyun and Jooheon said in unison while Hyunwoo just nodded to show he acknowledged their presence.
"Looks like a puppy brought us a stick"
Hyungwon scoffed at Kihyun's remark before firing back
"For such a tiny hamster you sure have a big mouth, I wonder if you traded your height for-" before Hyungwon finished he got smacked by Kihyun.
"Anyway what are you doing with frog-face?" Kihyun asked Minhyuk, who was giggling at the nickname.
"We're basically best friends now!" The male said so brightly that everyone had to squint as to not get blinded.
I twitched but I don't know wether it was because of the light radiating off the said male or something else.
"Wait you two know each other?" Asked Hyungwon,
"We're in the same homeroom".
Hyungwon introduced Minhyuk to the two youngest and Jooheon seemed to hit it off with the other and they were already immersed in some gossip. Everyone was busy with their own conversations but I decided to just keep quiet, I didn't know what had gotten over me.

I don't know how on Earth I managed to get 100+ reads already but thank you for reading!
There must be some glitch lol
So how do feel about the pov switches?
I thought it would be good to show the event but in the eyes of the other as well, and how they feel.
The two aren't together all the time so I will write about what one of them was doing while the other is doing something else.
You'll see what I mean in the upcoming chapters, I'm bad at explaining (^-^;

Your fav potato over and out xxx
˚₊⁎ ✌︎(^з^)~⁎⁺˳

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