Chpt. 8 - Pepero Game

101 8 0

March 7th

Hoseok's pov 🐰

"S-ahaha-stop! Have mercy~" Hyungwon breathed out between laughs.
I decided to stop the torture and let the poor boy breathe. He was gasping for air, like a fish out of water, making me snicker. He finally calmed down but his shaky breaths were heavy and I could feel it fan against my neck.

I couldn't help but feel strange seeing my best friend in that state. His glassy eyes looked directly at me, a single teardrop rolling down his cheeks, that were tinted pink from laughing too hard. His hair was a bit ruffled and his chest was peeking through his shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, rising and falling. I felt hot all of a sudden and had an urge to leave, so I rushed to the bathroom.

The cold water hit my face, helping to cool down my temperature. I splashed some more water onto my face before stepping back to look at my reflection.

What's wrong with me?

I can't believe I thought about 'not so innocent' thoughts of my best friend, that's a line I should never cross and yet here I am having to cool down. I sighed getting frustrated at my horniness, I shouldn't drag Hyungwon into my dirty thoughts. I like Minhyuk and I'm busy thinking about my best friend, well done Hoseok, I get a pat in the back for being an idiot.

I dried my face with my towel, yes my towel. I come here so often that I have a toothbrush, towels and even some clothes here, Hyungwon also has some stuff in my house since we basically live together.

After confirming that I got rid of those bad thoughts, I stepped out of the bathroom only to be met with a scene that made my heart clench. I saw Minhyuk and Hyungwon kissing. Minhyuk's back was facing me, Hyungwon widened his eyes in shock. Changkyun and Jooheon had fallen asleep on a pile of cards, so didn't know what was happening.

The platinum blonde pulled back and said something I couldn't make out but it made Hyungwon flustered as he started roaming his eyes around the room. They soon met my own and he looked surprised. To say I was mad was an understatement. How could he do this to me?! I told him I liked Minhyuk yet he kisses him.

Minhyuk saw Hyungwon's horrified face and turns around to see what had gotten his attention.
"Oh Hoseok, we just came back" Minhyuk smiles, clueless of my boiling anger.
Hyungwon spoke up before I could say something I'd regret later.

"I-it's not what it looks like!" He basically shouted, causing the two sleeping boys to stir and awaken.
I scoffed at his statement.
"So you two weren't just exchanging spit?" I retorted sarcastically.

"That's one way to put it" Minhyuk chuckled, still not aware of the situation, "We were just playing the pepero game" he added.
I raised my brow and Hyungwon just looked away.

"Ooh~ we wanna play" Jooheon butted in, fully awake now.
"Uh uh, no way what if our lips accidentally touch, I'm shivering just thinking about it" Changkyun scrunched up his face in disgust.
"Come on don't be a kill joy, Hoseok hyung you're joining us right?"

I pursed my lips before deciding.
"Yeah sure, I'm in"
Hyungwon immediately turned towards me, unbelievingly.

We were sat in a circle on the ground with an empty glass juice bottle in the middle.
"Who's going first?" Minhyuk asked excitedly.
"Me me meeee!" Jooheon screeched making us cover our ears, looks like we have another Minhyuk in our hands.

He spun the bottle with a bit too much enthusiasm that it nearly flew towards the wall, instead it rolled toward Changkyun who was not really paying attention and on his phone.
"Come here Changkyunnie~" Jooheon's voice coming out high pitched and dragging the poor boy towards him.

"What the no way, I don-"
"Shut up and just take it like a man"
Jooheon placed the pepero in his mouth waiting for the dark haired man to make a move. Changkyun slowly advanced forward and it was probably not quick enough for Jooheon because he pulled the other closer making there lips touch a bit.

The contact made Changkyun draw back spitting and wiping his mouth, Jooheon rolled his eyes at this.
"You always call me dramatic but here you are making a big deal out of this. You always kiss me on the cheek so I don't know why you have to act so disgusted when our lips slightly touched" he huffed out.
"Yeah on the cheek".

Changkyun spun the bottle, landing on Hyungwon. The youngest closed his eyes knowing that he could trust his hyung to not go too far, unlike the second youngest, which he didn't. On Hyungwon's turn, the bottle ended up landing between Jooheon and Minhyuk, towards the door connected to the kitchen, so he was about to spin it again until Kihyun appeared from the door.

"Guys, dinners almost ready- why are you all looking at me like that?"
"Kiki come here~" Hyungwon beckoned him over trying to act innocent.
"Wh-hey get away!"

Before Hyungwon could get any closer, Kihyun bolted out and blocked the door. Hyungwon struggled to open it but gave up eventually. Jooheon forced him to spin again, he reluctantly did as he was told and it had landed on me. I smirked as Hyungwon started fiddling with his shirt.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to" he mumbled,
"I never said I didn't, I mean we've kissed before so it's not a big deal" I replied, shrugging.
"Wait you guys kissed?!"
"When we were kids we did it all the time until one of our classmates in primary said it was gross" I answered nonchalantly.

"Let's just get this over and done with" Hyungwon spoke while putting the pepero in his mouth.
I bit the tip and made my way to the other end while staring into Hyungwon's eyes. When I got too close, he started to retreat but I held his head in place and took a big bite, our lips grazing, then pulled back with a grin.
"Look! Hyungwon hyungs face is like a tomato!" Changkyun stated while Hyungwon threw him a glare.

Before Hyungwon could beat up the maknae, Hyunwoo appeared from the door.
"Guys dinners ready"
"Yes finally food!" Changkyun shouted gleefully and nearly tripping in his rush for food.
"You just had some pepero" Jooheon commented.
"Don't remind me of that awful experience"

This chapter was just to feed y'all, I wanna play this with someone one day~
But the drama has just begun heehee
*Michael Jackson appears*

Your fav potato over and out~ xxx
˚₊⁎ ✌︎(^з^)~⁎⁺˳

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