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Two figures that are wearing black hooded cloaks are on the border of the Spade Kingdom. Their golden eyes saw a small village from afar. Thick smokes escape in between their lips as they continue to move their feet in the snowy path they are venturing.

The delicate ice sunk beneath their feet and they could even hear the crunching sound coming from it. The whole place is engulfed with silence and the only presence they could sense is coming from the two of them.

They are moving nonstop for almost twenty-four hours, pushing their bodies to the limit in order to save a young boy's life.

But even so, they knew that they needed adequate rest to continue to move forward.

"Fuyu Village..." Hayaku read the name of the village that is written on a wooden plank.

The said village is composed of wooden houses, most of them are Inns and Pubs. Probably, a place for wandering travelers from the Spade Kingdom.

It is easier for her to blend with them since she has a grimoire with a spade insignia decorated on it. Aside from that, no one really recognizes her. Only Dante, Vanica, Zenon, and some of the mages inside the Spade Kingdom Castle knows her.

She didn't even know if those mages are still alive.

As they move their feet towards a certain Pub on the Fuyu Village. Hanabi presses his right palm on the wooden door and slowly pushing it. The sound of chattering and murmuring travelers immediately meet their ears.

"Troublesome..." Hayaku whispered under her breath.

She felt quite anxious as she saw those silver swords and grimoires attached to the group of males that are drinking booze on one of the tables out there.

Judging by their appearances, they are mages from the Spade Kingdom who are serving the gravity magic users along with his siblings.

"I need to be cautious..." the black haired female move towards the empty table with her dragon spirit.

The two of them decided to fill their stomach before they continue their journey. Hanabi didn't even have the energy to enjoy his clover chocolate right now.

He was worried for his master after they have received this dangerous mission.

"You should eat Hanabi. Don't worry too much.." those words from Hayaku make his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He doesn't like the King of the Clover Kingdom sending them here.

"That cruel man is just sending us to our deaths. The Wizard King and Captain Yami cannot do anything about it...How unfortunate..." the dragon spirit stabs the meat on his plate from anger.

"But master..." Hanabi is about to reason out while Hayaku lifts his right hand, interrupting him from his complaints.

"Hanabi... I know it is hard to understand but we need to do this..." she said softly and glance at the mages from the Spade Kingdom from the corner of her eyes. "Besides this is not the right place to talk about that..."

"I apologize...." Hanabi let out an exasperated sigh, understanding his master. "I just hope Finral will forgive you for what you did back then..." he crosses his arms on his chest.

Hayaku laughs awkwardly and scratching the top of her head. " don't have to remind me about that..." the young Magic Knight remembered what happened at that time.


"Haya, what kind of shit have you done again?" the Captain of the Black Bulls arch a brow, showing her a white envelope.

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