Valentines Special Chapter

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"I want to eat something sweet..."

It is not even surprising for Rhya to hear those words coming from her. Despite her adamant demeanor, Tsuki craves sweets from time to time especially after a long day of performing alchemy.

They grew up together as frenemies and gradually have feelings for each other. And now, they are in an official relationship, to be exact, they are lovers.


That word is pleasing to his ears as if someone keeps whispering sweet nothings to him with her sweet alluring voice.

After all the ups and downs and love rivals here and there. She chooses him out of all of them, she loves him out of all of them. The copy-magic user felt an overwhelming joy as if he just discovered the most powerful ancient relic in the world.

"I want to spend my entire life with her no matter how troublesome it may be..."

His lips turn into a smile as he admires her calm expression while scanning sweets in the stall they are in. They are currently using transformation magic to change their appearance into humans.

"Ah, this hit the jackpot. A candy apple..." Tsuki said as she points her index finger into a sugar-coated apple.

"I want that too..." Rhya declared as he shifted his gaze on the crimson sugary fruit.

The humans in the Clover Kingdom are celebrating a certain festival in the middle of the night. They aren't actually curious about it since they are only there to buy something sweet.

"Only one left." she reminded him which makes the copy magic-user squint his eyes for a mere moment. The two of them stare at one another as if they are having a conversation in their very mind.

All of a sudden they started to ball their right fist, bob them up and down at the speed of light and make a shape out of their palm.

A typical rock-paper-scissor.

"Ah! My hand! My hand has betrayed me!" Rhya gasped dramatically as he stares at his right hand. Apparently, Tsuki throws a scissor towards his paper which is an instant defeat.

"Too bad. So sad." she said with her monotonic voice.

"Of course, this has to be the best out of the three!" Rhya insisted which makes Tsuki raise her brow in confusion.

"You don't know when to give up." she said in as a matter-of-fact manner.

"I don't care what you say. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Go!" the copy-magic user shouted as they perform another of their foolish charade.

Unbeknownst to them, the elderly man who is the owner of the store stares at them bewilderedly. "Wild herbs should be banned from the kingdom from now on..." he said in a whispering manner, shaking his head in disapproval.


"It's so quiet.." Tsuki commented while holding the sugar-coated apple in her right hand.

They already went back to their village and decided to go towards their favorite spot. A place in which there's a towering tree where Rhya always takes his nap.

"That's because most of them are asleep.." Rhya said as he places his hands behind his head. "Anyway, that human on the stall... he had an expression like, why are two grown-ups fighting over a candy apple." he informed as he glance at her from the corner of his eyes.

"You think? How embarrassing." she said as she walks towards the towering tree. She sits on the soft green grass and rested her back against the tree trunk.

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