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Gauche has blood falling from his nostrils, thinking about his beloved sister Marie. It is his little sister birthday today and he has bought lots of presents just for her.

It didn't matter if he spends almost all of his money as long as it will put a smile on Marie's face, it is more than enough for him. He is walking throughout the Nean City that is located in the Common Realm while carrying those presents.

"Marie!" he moaned in delight and even hearing the sweet giggles of her beloved sister.

"I even hearing her angelic laughter...I really miss my sister Marie! I can't wait to see her smile!" he thought with his cheeky smile, thinking that he is just imagining her sister's laughter.

He turns on one of the alleys in Nean City until his face turns into a horrified one. He felt that his soul just leave his body the moment he saw Marie is holding another man.

"How you like it Marie!" the ash blond male who is no other than Asta asked with stars in his eyes.

"This is fun! You're strong Asta!" Marie giggles, holding Asta on his right arm firmly as the ash blond Magic Knight run in circles while lifting the young girl.

Marie has a short blond hair and purples eyes. No one will recognize her as Gauche little sister since they have different features.

Hayaku and Hanabi are also there as well. Having a conversation with Rebecca. She is the scarlet haired female that Asta meets in the mixer.

Rebecca was surprised the moment Asta introduces Hayaku to her. She didn't expected that an attractive female like her grew up along with Asta. But she did remember mentioning about a non blood-related sister to her.

Hayaku's feature is screaming power. She always has fierce golden eyes which she found intriguing. She thought Hayaku would be a woman with a few words or difficult to approach but she is wrong.

It is true that one must not judge someone according to their appearance.

The scarlet female smiles as her navy blue eyes caught an adorable swallowtail, that is resting on the top of her little sister's head.

Asta told her that it is her pet, Nero. Who just strangely appeared out of nowhere and didn't leave his side since then.

The reason why they are in Nean City is because Asta asked Hayaku to accompany her to Rebecca's restaurant since he wants to meet her siblings.

Hayaku agreed because she does adores young ones. Her mind lingers on the children of the church, back in Hage Village.

Asta, Hayaku, and Yuno didn't forget to send money to them after they receive their pay.

"Me too!" one of the Rebecca siblings exclaimed. His little arms reach for Asta and asking him to play with him this time since he notices how Marie really enjoyed it.

"All right! Are you read-" Asta wanted to lift the little one but Gauche kicks him right on the face. The poor little Asta back slammed into the ground from the sudden attack.

Gauche didn't even care what Asta is doing here. All he wanted to do right now is to remove those filthy hands of Asta away from his beloved sister Marie.

"Get away from her this instant, you trash!" Gauche grunted, irritated at Asta's presence. Marie is worried about the ash blond male.

"Now, I remember her. She is Gauche's sister..." Hayaku lit up. She is trying to recognize the little Marie from the start. She remembers how Gauche talks to her about his little sister and even shoving multiple photos in front of her.

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