29| mary's prayer

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~3500 BC, Egypt

A familiar face in a not so familiar location.

    The sky was a dark red, ready to weep with what was brightening on the horizon, as if it had seen it coming for millennia. Perhaps it had. Many others of her skills had talked about the moment. When En Sabah Nur would transfer his consciousness, amass another ability, and only become more powerful. It was now or perhaps never.

    "He'll be weak once the transference has started," she told the group who had gathered in an alley before the event. "That's our moment."

    Things didn't go to plan. As they never had before. They had attempted to put a stop to the man multiple times. None had worked. They were starting to lose hope, but the woman they had called Anippe used her words well. Some believed she could persuade a leader to do something below him, though it had never been confirmed. She was a fable to most of the people. More so than the man who was attempting to keep his control over the pyramids and all that lay ahead of them.

    The structure caved in on itself, trapping the mutant too many feet below the surface to simply dig out. But with the tomb, went his horseman, as well as the saviour, though she had fallen closer. Easier to find, to unearth.

    Her body, still alive, but unconscious, was placed in a room where the followers, those who had opposed En Sabah Nur, could pay their respects. They believed she died for them. She always did say humans would find anyone with extraordinary talents and latch onto them as some beacon of hope. Dead or alive, it didn't matter to them. Just as long as it helped them believe.

    Their beliefs were strong, carried for hundreds and thousands of years, until a prominent king had found her tomb, having set out to find the resting place of what the people called Isis. The tales had distorted her history, but Alexander found her most interesting. So much so, that upon her waking at his entrance, his men had carried her home, to join the others in an offering to Olympus.

    Without a memory of the danger that lurked under the ground they walked on, the mutants of Olympus healed the woman, to her former glory. They helped her begin a new life, explained how the new world worked. The first of many.

Westchester, New York, 1984

    "Wow!" Peter looked back at the now ruined mansion, which, just a few seconds ago to everyone else, had been intact.


    "Where's Alex?" Rose immediately asked, getting up from the floor where Peter had dropped her.

    "I'm pretty sure I got everybody," the younger man replied, slipping his goggles onto the top of his head.

    As the situation sunk in to her, she ran towards the rubble, immediately looking through the fallen brick, stone, wood, and metal that the explosion had cluttered on top of each other.

    "Hey! Rose! Where's the professor?!"

    "They took him away," Hank replied, watching her flip as much of the material possible to find her friend. To everyone, she seemed nuts, crazy, and determined, but Hank, Moira, and Raven weren't very surprised to see her like this.

    Raven had started to realise where she was, and she looked down at herself to see her blue form. The whispers of the students made her turn, seeing all of them watching her.

    "They look up to you. Right now, they need you," Hank told her as she did so, but her eyes didn't meet his.

    "That's not what they need."

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