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Russian military retreat, the USSR, 1962

She wasn't all too surprised when she arrived on the plane and didn't find the younger recruits. In fact, she was a little relieved. She knew they wouldn't manage to work together with they way Erik and Charles had spoken to them. Too many distractions.

    The knock made Erik and Charles turn to the window that opened to the driver's cabin.

    "We got a problem," the driver, Moira's partner, said.

    "What?" Charles asked.

    "I'm so sorry, this wasn't on the map," Moira replied, Rose's eyebrows furrowing at the incorrect information she'd passed on.

    "What?" she echoed Charles, who turned and put his fingers at her temple, showing her checkpoint that had supposedly been erected overnight. "What the hell?"

    "No matter what happens, act normal. I'll take care of it, all right?" he assured the agents in the front, taking his hand back and closing the window. He turned to the rest of the soldiers in the back, who had been cooperative with their abilities. "Now listen to me," he told them. "They might want to check back here. If that happens, do not fire at whoever opens that door, I'll take care of it," he said, standing up and holding onto a metal pole holding the roof of the bak. "Rose, you said you can make them unconscious without killing them?" he asked, planting his feet onto the ground.

    "I have to get close, but yes," she nodded.

    "Get ready, just in case," he told her, lifting his hand to his head, getting ready like the soldiers with their hands on their triggers. Rose pulled off one of her gloves, putting the cover into her coat's pocket, and pulled herself up, standing on the bench they had been sitting on, just in time for the truck to pull up at the checkpoint.

    They lay low, staying silent as the opposing soldiers talked with Moira's partner. Charles listened to Rose's thoughts, which immediately translated the Russian for him. Somehow, it was seamless, the two of their minds working together. It was a welcomed new development.

    As soon as the back door opened, Charles controlled the sight of the soldiers looking into the compartment, telling the soldiers to take it easy, Rose's hand glowing in blue as the other took too long in his observation of the section.

    Seeing nothing, he confirmed that the truck was empty to his comrade, before the door was shut again, and Charles sat back down with a sigh. Erik and Rose followed his lead, the former patting his leg in support, and the latter sending him a small smile. She was still too annoyed by the fact that she'd let down the team.

    "Shaw must have let them know. Maybe his telepath got in my head," she told Charles.

    "No, there's something else. He knows something, but I'm not sure how much."

    The three mutants and Moira got off first, lying on a small hill that overlooked the building of the retreat, one Rose recognised. She'd been in there, years ago. Too long now for her to know all the ins and outs.

    The helicopter landed, with only a woman getting off, Rose's brows furrowing again.

    "Where's Shaw?" Erik asked from beside her, angry that he had missed his target again.

    "I- I've never had such bad intel," she said, confused by how it had happened. "I'm sorry, they must have changed their minds after they set up the meeting," she told Moira.

    "It doesn't matter. If she's a telepath and I read her, she'll know we're here," Charles replied, looking to her as she took in the people spread across the field.

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