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Washington DC, 1962

"Man, I never thought I'd end up in one of these without needing to go on the stage," Rose said once they were inside.

    "On the stage?"

    "To work. Great money, if you do it well," she told Erik, walking confidently between the platforms and tables and seats.

    "You're thinking very loudly, Erik," Charles smirked before they both followed her.

    "Don't lie and say you're thinking about anything else," he replied to the telepath, making both men let out a small laugh. Neither could hide what her words had conjured in their minds.

    Charles had taken the liberty to find out the relationship between Erik and Rose, and their platonic, familial affections had put him at ease about his own intrigue. She was too interesting to pass up. There was so much he wanted to know, and he didn't want to be in competition with someone who had a bond with her. She was different than the girls whose groovy mutations he had pointed out. He just hoped it wasn't obvious.

    She was already at the bar by the time they caught up to her, her elbows on the lit up surface, taking full advantage of the bartender's roving gaze. Feeling just a little protective, Erik paid the man as he placed her drink in front of her, making Rose smile at her friend, before ordering two drinks for them also.

    "Thanks," she nodded before turning back to the man who seemed to thoroughly enjoy his view down her slightly unbuttoned shirt. "Hey, I'm looking for a friend of mine," she tilted her head, making him look up to her face, this time at her lips. "Do you know where I could find Angel?"

    Swallowing, the bartender hesitated, Charles and Erik sharing an amused look at her effortless command of the younger man. Turning back, the bartender put two glasses in front of them, as Rose reached into the breast pocket of her shirt, pulling out the money for their drinks, with a few extra notes of a tip.

    "Come on. I just want to introduce her to my friends," she smirked a little, holding the notes between her index and middle fingers, right under his nose, cocking her head, seeing his eyes locked on the view down her chest.

    "I can get her on the bar," the guy finally replied, his eyes flying up to her face as she shot him a wide grin, and offered the money in exchange.

    "Thanks, handsome," she told him, lifting her drink to sip through the straw, their fingers brushing as she sent a tiny spark onto his skin as their fingertips touched. Jumping a little, he stuttered out a 'you're welcome', before he turned to one of the security guards, who waved the right girl onto the bar.

    "Clearly, I underestimated your pink badge," Erik admitted, making Rose look up at him the same way he had looked at the bartender.

    "Did you? Guess that's your bad," she smile the same way, before he shook his head and her smile widened, this time just happy, as Charles muffled his chuckle, while Erik just smirked back at her. "All right. Your turn. Who will be shelling out the big bucks?" she asked, taking a seat at the bar.

    'You're full of surprises,' Charles' amused voice rang through her mind. Looking over to him, she smiled wide, leaning back and keeping her eyes on her new friend.

    'Don't ever think you're the smartest guy in the room. Just pretend,' she teased, making him chuckle, before he looked up at the girl who arrived at their section of the lit up counter. Crouching down, she took Erik's money, and offered a private dance.

    With Charles and Erik sitting on the bed, herself in a chair off the side, Rose let out a small laugh as the men clinked their glasses of champagne together that she had opened moments ago. Angel stood at the foot of the bed, a hand on her hip, a little annoyed at what she thought they were expecting.

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