3| different drum

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Richmond,Virginia, 1962

The two agents took a car each to drive the group from the harbour to the facility. On the boat, Charles had explained to Erik how he and his sister were caught up with the CIA, and the other agent, who introduced himself as Sullivan, or Sully for short, was more than happy to talk to Rose about her abilities that she was still keeping quiet about.

    When they arrived back at the harbour, a girl was waiting for them, looking a little more frustrated than Rose had expected when Charles told them about her. She was happy to see, however, that the girl was also a mutant, the one who could change her appearance.

    As time passed and she met more people, she started feeling like she had the family like in Olympus back. At least in bits and pieces.

    "This is my sister Raven," Charles introduced, Rose giving her a smile.

    "I'm Rose. This is Erik," she looked to the man beside her, who gave a stiff nod in greeting. "So. Shall we?" she sighed, looking to Charles, the agents splitting them up and taking them in two cars.

    As they pulled up, Rose leaned forward to look out of the window, the sheer size of the facility a bit of a shock.

    "Welcome to my facility," agent Sullivan spoke as the six of them got out.

    "Well, we're not in Kansas anymore," Rose mumbled between Erik and Moira, following the others to the front door as the agent kept talking.

    "My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defence," Sully spoke, Rose sticking to Erik's side.

    "Or offence," he spoke, his attitude much less optimistic than the other mutant beside him, with whom he seemed to get along quite well. It was a nice sight for Rose, but his words shattered the illusion that perhaps things would be all right. While a pessimist when it came to Shaw, this was better than she was expecting. This was a human realising that mutants could be helpful; that they had worth, without being enslaved.

    "This guy Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him— he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him," Sully continued, looking to Charles, who had a small, knowing smile on his face.

    "Marvellous. So we are to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?"

    "Something like that," Sully agreed, opening the front door, which Rose held for them all, ignoring Erik's disapproving look.

    "You know, just because you look different—"

    "It's just a door," she replied, Charles smiling to himself at their conversation, thanking her, before Erik held the door and let Rose go in before him.

    "There's more to her than she tells you," the telepath stuck with Erik while the woman walked ahead with Raven. The men watched the two talk, smiling as they got to know each other.

    "I always knew that."

    When they entered the hangar, the group's eyes immediately got caught on the plane they'd only heard about so far, staring up at it with curiosity. Rose felt overwhelmed by its size, and the power that she knew could thrum through its controls. Man, she loved the masses of technological advancements going on. It felt more like home that she'd care to admit.

    "How fast do you think it can go?" she asked Erik, who couldn't help but smile at her question.

    "It's, uh- supersonic," a man walked over from the lab, having heard her question. "Most advanced plane ever built," she looked over at him. "You should see it in real life. It's incredible," he assured them all, hands in pockets, a little nervous from all the eyes now turning on him. Rosie was the first to look away, since she was much more interested in the machine that hung from the ceiling, but the others kept their attention on the new arrival.

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