14| I say a little prayer

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Cuba, 1962

She saw it happen before it even had the time to. She could see him do it, as if they'd talked about it before.

    "Don't do this. Remember what I said, this won't bring her back!" she tried to stop him. "This isn't going to fill what you've lost. This isn't the answer!"

    Ignoring her, Erik kept his eyes on the man who had caused him so much grief. "If you're in there, I'd like you to know that I agree with every word you said. We are the future. But unfortunately, you killed my mother," he reached into his pocket, taking out the coin she'd seen him fiddle with so many times.

    "Erik, please," her voice broke, though she thoroughly understood his intentions.

    "You said you wouldn't stop me," he spoke, levitating the coin above his hand.

    "Just think if this is really what you want to do. There's no going back," she reminded him as the coin rose towards the man's face.

    "This is what we're going to do," he spoke to both Shaw and Rose. "I'm going to count to three. And I'm going to move the coin," he loosened the metal around Rose, who could finally turn her wrist. "One."

    Rose twisted her hand enough to shoot a bolt at the beam holding her waist against the wall.


    The second shot went to the one around her chest, dropping from her arms.


    The last went to the coin pushing through Shaw's mind, killing him instantly. While it gave Erik the satisfaction, it meant at least the man didn't suffer, however much she wished for him to. At the build up of emotions and small charges she set off, Erik noticed her skin glow once again, as if her body decided to amplify what she'd absorbed.


    She turned to the wall of the chamber, away from him, her body expelling the energy in a blast and blew the wall towards the other side of the beach. She she fell down, drained, falling down the side onto the rubble and sand until Erik reached out to catch her. Pulling Shaw by the metal in his clothes and the coin, levitating, he took Rose and a now dead Shaw with him.

    He descended onto the beach, Charles watching with fear and anger as Erik carried a drained Rose, as well as Shaw's body. At the blatant show of his power and abilities, Shaw's previous team watched as Erik lowered himself between his fellow mutants.

    Erik placed Rose in front of Charles, who fell onto the sand beside her, feeling her mind very much alive.

    "Today our fighting stops!" he briefly heard Erik speak, but he while he listened, his eyes were looking Rose over. Not that she would die, he didn't think, but as far as any of them knew, she'd never consumed so much, in so little time. He needed to make sure she would be alive.

    "I'm sorry," she whispered taking his hand.

    "You're all right. You're going to be just fine," he spoke, but he noticed they way her eyes didn't believe that.

    "He's going to turn on them," she managed out, her skin still glowing as her body tried to deal with the excess energy.

    "Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there. I feel their guns moving in the water. Their metal, targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!!" Erik continued, looking to Charles, who had turned to him, while Rose tried to deal with the unwelcome burn coursing through her veins. "Go ahead, Charles. Tell me I'm wrong."

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