There is an Intruder Among Us Part 2

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A few minutes later, Luz and Mabel were looking over the video of Eda doing the light spell, with Ford watching it with them. Meanwhile, King was sketching demons in his notepad while Dipper was with Ford, who was looking at the board of all the demons of the Boiling Isles. He's never seen anything like rhis from his nephew and a demon.

Ford: Incredible! This board practically covers on every demon of the Boiling Isles. And from KING of all people! Not bad, kids.

King: Finally, some people appreciate my knowledge. Some day, Fordsy, you and Dippy over here could be my henchmen someday!

Ford and Dipper exchanged looks, both saying "I would never work for him".

Ford: I'll...pass.

Dipper: I second that.

King: Your loss.

They then heard Luz groan as she tried to do the spell circle herself, only for nothing to happen.

Luz: Ugh! This is all she does. Why you gotta be so cryptic, Owl Lady?

Luz is watching the video of Eda doing the spell circle again.

Eda: (on video) Now, you see, the spell circle is really...

Stan: So you tried to get my wife to teach you two magic and it backfired, huh?

Luz: Sorry, Mr. Pines! I didn't know Eda would be knocked out from using too much magic.

Stan: Well, no use of trying again. Give the old lady some space to recharge her batteries.

Luz: Yeah, but I still wanna figure out this spell. But if I don't have a magic sac, what's the point? I'll just be twirling my fingers around un-magically forever.

Dipper and King turn their heads towards the girls.

Dipper: Well we can't just TAKE a witches heart.

King: Yeah. And besides, why do you two want to learn magic so bad, anyway?

Mabel and Luz turned to their relatives as they told their reasons of why.

Mabel: Well, I wanna learn magic with Luz because I've always believed in magic since I was little! And because the Boiling Isles is much more interesting than at Gravity Falls!

Dipper, Stan, and Ford all nodded and muttered with agreement. Then, Luz gave her answer.

Luz: That's cool Mabel. But for me,  The reason why I wanted to learn magic is because I was a nobody back home. But becoming a witch is my chance to be someone. Do you know what it's like to have no one take you seriously?

The room was silent.

Dipper: Trust me, I know what it feels like, Luz. Last summer, no one took me seriously. The cops, the townsfolk, Grunkle Stan-

Stan: (o-s) I heard that!

Dipper: But if this magic stuff is important to you and Mabel, then I'll help you become one. Maybe I'll even be one myself.

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