"Thank you for letting us know hyung and for coming here so early." Namjoon speaks up as the leader while the others mutter a thank you too. "But could you please tell us the details? I feel like we deserve to know." He pipes before the manager takes his leave. Today was important to the boys and it was even more important to Hana. They needed to know.

"I'm not sure I should disclose the information, but since I probably won't hear the end of it gauging from your expressions.." Sejin sighs looking down again before continuing. Seeing the members wait patiently and expectantly. "Last night Hana had complications. She had a sudden kidney failure due to her auto immune and she's now in dire need of a kidney transplant. In good news, she already has a donor ready however according to her doctor, it's the hardest one she's having to pull through, some of them are unsure whether she will make it."

The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. "That is all confidential and all of you weren't allowed to know. Got that." None of the boys could respond, Taehyung now fully awake had to grip onto Jungkook, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as they eventually did. Everyone knew he was one of the softest boys of the group, and one of the first to break down during situations so Jungkook put an arm around his hyung to reassure him. None of them even knew of this girl yet they couldn't help but feel the weight of the world that she had to bear. The fact that they all were of similar age and that she was going through something so devastating affected them terribly. It made them feel extremely thankful and it was hard to not feel guilty for their immense appreciation for the lives they live. They couldn't imagine any one of the members to be able to go through something so rough.

"Hyung, there's something I want to do, and I'm sure the members would like to as well." Namjoon breaks the silence and speaks up, making eye contact with the other members. Slowly each of them start nodding as if In silent agreement they already knew. "I understand she only requested for a day but could we possibly have more time with her. This is the first time we've ever felt this way about something."

"Please hyung, after reading her file and knowing more about her I can't help but want to do something. A day is just not enough." Jungkook voices out, his voice strained.

"They're right hyung. If.. when she gets through this, we would like to show our full support." Jin swallows and looks seriously at their manager.

"And for her to choose us as her Wish Upon a Star. We want to grant it to it's full potential ." Jimin concludes. The other boys nod along and now bow their head at their manager expectantly. Even V has joined his group mates in their plea for this request.

With a big sigh and thoughtful smile on Sejin's face he nods. "I'll see what we can arrange. I will keep you informed." He stands up from his seat and proceeds back out of the apartment. Once the door closed the room was too quiet. None of them were crying, they were all just sitting in their seats thinking.

"We have to do something" Tae speaks out rubbing his eyes from the remainder tears. "I want to be there for her" he speaks truthfully.

"Lets start it slow, we can come up with things to do with her. After this surgery she'll most likely be unable to do much but I'm sure we can figure something out" Jin smiles at the boys.

"Firstly we need to be strong for her. We can't be sad that's just not right. Let's do what we can to make her smile. She is an army after all" Namjoon smiles at the boys then carries the blue file from the counter to the center of the coffee table. He's been the one reading things back to front. Yoongi, jungkook  and Jimin were the only others who could finish the entire file without bursting into tears. It included all her interests and her joyful request to Wish Upon a Star foundation but it also included quite an extensive medical history and background so there wouldn't need to be any awkward conversation. The members had to be aware of the reason as to why they needed to do this for the young girl.

"A pretty girl should have pretty things. And J-hope will provide this girl with more pretty things !" Hobi grins his sunshine smile and flings his arms up to lighten the mood. They all had gifts at the ready for their planned meetup today however with the recent news, it didn't couldn't be just a day. They all wanted to be with her and support her. Through all their career they never felt so strongly in helping someone although there was one member in particular that was not entirely too fond with the idea.

"Yoongi hyung, where are you going?" Jimin calls out to the already walking yoongi.

"To sleep." He responds curtly and slams the door behind him.

"Just leave him alone Jimin. Yoongi isn't good with these things." Jin pats Jimin shoulder before he heads into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

"I can't go back to sleep like this" Jungkook hangs his head back on the chair closing his eyes. "I can't help but think about what she's going through right now, the surgery and the pain she must be going through. I can't get it out of my head" he ruffles his hair in frustration.

"I can't believe she's been suffering like this for all her life. I can't imagine how painful it must be.. she's only my age" Tae joins Jungkook and rests his head in his hands as he bends forward on his seat. Hoseok's earlier attempt at lightening the mood had already been forgotten and now he couldn't imagine it. He had an older sister and he couldn't fathom the thought of someone he loved so much to go through what Hana is right now.

The air was heavy the whole day but each member slowly picked themselves up in their own way. Each of them already planning how to improve their presents including Yoongi. He wasn't heartless, he just had a harder time showing how he felt. As the week passed they finally had news from Sejin. According to the hospital, she should be schedule to be ready for the meetup a week from now. They're giving her some time to recover her body and to be ready if there were any other complications but for now, she was stable. And the surgery was a success. All the members breathed out heavily as if they were holding their breath all this while. Some of them jumped for joy at this news and were even more excited to see her.

Sejin had even arranged a meeting prior to meet her parents since the criteria of the Wish upon a Star request was changed. The boys had been granted permission to visit the young girl as and when they could. Her parents had told them every time they saw her smile widely it was always because of them. And that was enough for the boys to fully commit to their plans.

They wanted to be there for her when she needed someone, they wanted to make her smile and laugh for as long as possible and they wanted to make this girls true dreams to come true.

Ooo gosh long chapterrr

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