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Mila woke up with a muscular arm wrapped around her waist. She remembered last nights' events and felt happy that they could talk out. She still had to have a talk with Luca and hopefully knock some sense into him. Mila glanced at the clock and saw it was only six o'clock. She wiggled under Francesco's arm and carefully left his embrace since they were awake until two am due to their meaningful conversations. She smiled at her brother who was sound asleep and left a soft kiss on his forehead.

Francesco's heart felt lighter,it was like his inner angel had woken up. He vowed to himself, to become a better brother to all of his siblings, especially Mila and open up a bit more. He was happy with himself after their conversation last night.

Mila quietly left the room and went to her twins room. Without knocking, she barged in; it was a twin privilege.

Mila frowned looking around his room. It was a pig sty to say the least. "Mamma mia, quesadilla."

Mila smirked as she thought of an amazing way to wake her brother up. She jumped on him while pressing her hands on the mattress to make sure she didn't turn him into guacamole.

"Holy linguini!" Luca yelled as he felt an elephant plop onto him.

"Merda." (Shît.) Mila muttered and rubbed her ear.

"That's what you get for waking me up at..." he trailed off as he glanced at his clock. "Six o'clock in the fücking morning." Mila smiled innocently.

"Well." she smiled and Luca raised an eyebrow.
"Go on." He whined.

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"Seriously?" Luca gave Mila a very confused look.

"One hundred percent." She gave him a lazy smile.

"Per favore. It's too early for this nonsense, wake me up ten minutes before school. Now shoo." (Please.) Luca grumbled and rubbed his hands over his face. He flapped his arm around as she was a fly.

Mila narrowed her eyes. "Keep doing that and you won't have a hand." She threatened. She smiled at him when he quickly nodded his head and stopped swatting his hand. Mila could never talk about serious things with Luca, she didn't know how to start the conversation and that says a lot; they always talked about fun and joyful concepts, so this was very new to her.

Mila cleared her throat. "I have something to say to you."

Luca shot up as soon as he heard her tone. "Me too." He squeaked.

"Let's say it at the same time." Mila suggested and Luca agreed.

"I'm darth vader." Luca stated calmly but quickly. He had a blank face as he said it.

"Why did you..." Mila spoke unable to talk quickly, but when she heard Luca, she laughed and clutched her stomach.

"Yes." She sobered up after a few minutes. "Of course, I'm Donald Trump." Mila rolled her eyes.

Luca cringed and scrunched up his face. "Please don't insult yourself by calling yourself you-know-who." He whispered.

Mila pretended to be in deep thought. "Uh oh spaghettio. You have a good point there sir, Luca."

Luca smiled as he glanced at his sarcastic sister. "What was the thing you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Right. Why did you try to find me? Why did you try to run away from home?" She asked bluntly.

Luca's eyes widened; he was caught off guard. This was the last thing he wanted to talk about. "Well." He sighed as a tear rolled down his cheek. Mila instantly hugged him and he reciprocated it. "I don't know how you know this or who told you but I'll tell you my side. When Stella left with you, I was heartbroken. I wondered how she could do that to our family, everyone and especially me. We were attached at the hip. We never spent time apart from each other. It was sad seeing you leave and I couldn't even do anything about it. Roughly a week had passed and there was still no sign of you coming back, I was slowly succumbing to depression but I wanted to get out of that hole. So, I did the only thing that seemed plausible at the time. I ran, in hopes of finding you, but luck wasn't on my side. Like it ever was." Luca rolled his eyes.

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