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The curtains opened, illuminating the whole room with the bright sunlight. Mila would have loved it on any other day, but today she was sleepy. Luca's hand was draped over her waist, protectively.

Vincenzo smiled, ever so slightly as he observed his youngest siblings. He gently shook Luca, trying to wake him up.

"What? Huh?" Luca groaned, groggily. It was the weekend and he couldn't even sleep without one of his annoying brothers waking him up.

"Wake up, idiot." Vincenzo commanded and slowly made his way to Mila. Abruptly, Lorenzo opened the door, like the police would.

Lorenzo had a pot in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other, this could only mean one thing. He started banging the metal pot with his spoon. The loud noise echoed through the room, causing Mila and Luca to immediately wake up. Francesco walked in slowly to the source of the noise.

"F.B.I! Open up." Lorenzo yelled, as he walked around the room.

"You already walked in." Mila stated, groaning.

"Shut up, you big shît. It's only ten am, fûcker." Francesco announced, irritated but his older brother. Mila looked around and groaned loudly as she hugged Luca.

"Dear brother, tone the volume down five notches." Vincenzo growled, menacingly, approaching his anger in a calm manner.

"Aye aye captain." Lorenzo mock saluted. Vincenzo and Francesco rolled their eyes, but a smirk crept up to Francesco's face. He left the room to find his partner in crime.

"I'm up!" Luca shouted, just before Lorenzo could start being annoying again.

"Wonderful!" Lorenzo cheered as he exited the room.

"Alright. Mila wake up and be ready in ten minutes." Vincenzo demanded before leaving the room. Mila nodded as she sat up with her eyes closed.

After a while, Alessandro walked through the door to see his sister sleeping but her twin wasn't there. He gently shook her, trying to wake her up. She shot up, waving her hands frantically trying to hit the person. Alessandro smirked at her defences, somewhat proud of her.

"Sweetheart, you have to wake up, we have things to do today." Alessandro pleaded softly.

"I'll be there in a few. Now shoo." Mila smirked, flapping her arms around as if she was swatting a fly. Alessandro narrowed his eyes at her, trying to figure out if she was serious or not. After a minute, he finally left her in peace.

Mila wasn't bothered to do anything, but still got out of bed with her blanket wrapped around her. She grabbed a random piece of paper that was lying on the floor and walked to the dining room.

All of her siblings were seated in the room, talking with each other. Mila wanted to make her presence known, but Francesco bet her to it.

"Ah, I see the princess has finally arrived." Francesco smirked. His announcement directed all of their attention towards her. Alessandro raised an eyebrow at Mila's outfit.

"Ah. I'm very glad my fellow followers have asked about my uniform. I'm sorry to say..." Mila paused for a minute for dramatic purposes. Everyone around the room held their breath, impatiently waiting for her to continue. They might as well die of anxiety. "I know this might come as a big shock to you guys but I achieved this." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I got an acceptance letter from Hogwarts. It seems like Dumbelodre has required my presence." She smiled holding the blanket tightly.

Francesco groaned at her antics, he thought it was something serious. "Fücking hell." With the stern look Vincenzo gave him, Francesco looked away. Luca shot out of his seat and ran towards her.

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