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Mila woke up to someone roughly shaking her awake. She felt a tight rope around her wrists and her back was leaning against what felt like a wooden chair. Her ankles were tied up with a tight rope, clutching her skin. She tried to scream but couldn't because the gag covered her mouth and some was stuffed in her mouth. Despite the panicky sensation she felt, she remained strong. Mila wanted to see what they wanted before she made irrational choices. When she made a slight movement Chris took it as a sign to speak.

"Ok, little girl, listen up. The bouncers think you are a spy so we have you in here for questioning. I will ask you some questions and you have to answer truthfully or else you will face the consequences. I'll take your gag off so you can speak." Chris commanded.

Mila didn't know what to say. A spy? A spy for what she hadn't done anything wrong and they had wrongly accused her, but she would answer their silly questions and then fight after if it was required.

Mila nodded her head as she closed her eyes inside the blindfold, to quickly compose herself.

"Good." Chris replied to her gesture. He took off the gag and for a moment she let out a big breath.

"So, how did you enter the club? Everyone that enters needs a pass." He questioned looking down at her.

Mila would have laughed if she wasn't stuck in a serious situation. How else would you enter a club if you didn't have a pass?

"When the bouncers weren't looking I used my ninja skills and got in." Mila replied honestly, as a small smirk crept up to her face.

Chris smiled at this little girl, but quickly replaced it with a blank look even though no one could see him.

"Be serious." He grumbled.

"I am." Mila whined.

"Fine. You can just talk to my bosses, I don't have the time or patience for this." Chris snarled.

"Then just let me go." She asked, annoyed at his stupidity.

"Ah, ah, ah. Sorry I can't do that, little girl." Chris said, waving his finger around.

"Fine." Mila huffed.

"Are they worse than you?" Mila asked sarcastically, after a moment of silence.

"Yes, they are much worse than me. I am their well uh co-worker and they all are really strict and don't tolerate lies. They are not nearly as lenient as me. You will have to answer their questions truthfully, they don't take sarcastic answers, so I advise you to think of your words carefully. Chris said sternly. Mila scoffed, if he was nice then his bosses would be deadly.

"Ok." She said harshly.

For the next hour they sat in silence as Mila tried to ignore the fact that she just got kidnapped. She was thinking about anything and everything but this. Bored of the silence Chris started a conversation with her. Mila was annoyed at first but the more they talked, the more they bonded, even if they didn't reveal a lot of information. Chris felt a strong brotherly bond with her for some odd reason, that was the only reason he didn't snap at her yet. Mila felt happy she could talk to him, but he was her kidnapper. Was he really trustworthy?

Mila was the type of person that would give anyone a chance but once that's broken, she would cause a lot of damage. So, if Chris said or did something she would attack him first even if she had to do the impossible.

"I just got a message that my bosses are coming so I will tie up the gag again, just to make sure you don't say something sarcastic. But I'll take off the ropes around your ankles and wrists. I know you're not stupid to escape because there are many bouncers right outside this door." Chris said with a chuckle. "I am telling you this because I don't want to get hurt." He mutters softly, so she couldn't hear. Mila nodded and spoke.

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