67: Riley

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After the eventful day I had yesterday I was happy to be able to relax and wake up in Quinn's arms today. I'm lucky that her parent's allowed for her to spend one more night with me, they seemed to understand that there's no way that Quinn and I are going to seperate. It's still hard for them to understand our relationship, but they are trying and that means everything.

"Why do you keep moving around? It's too early to be up," Quinn mumbles in my ear which tickles me. I giggle and Quinn hold me tighter as she kisses my cheek.

"It's not even that early. It's already nine. We would be second period by now in school," I reply. I'm happy that both our parents called the school saying we wouldn't go. I need to relax today and not worry about school for once in my life. My head still hurts a little bit and I just want to relax and spend time with my beautiful girl.

Quinn groans and turns over to go back to sleep, but I stop her. I pull her back to me and get up so that I can straddle her waist. Quinn's eye open wide as she stares at me. I chuckle and lean down so that I can stop mere centimeters from her lips. She tries to lean up to kiss me, but I move back slightly so that our lips only graze each other's. Then I tilt my head to the side and lean down to kiss her neck.

"You're being a tease, Riley."

Her comment makes me chuckle and I focus on her face and can't help but laugh at how annoyed she looks. "I had to wake you up somehow."

She rolls her eyes and quickly leans up to give me a surprise peck on my lips. "So, why do we need to be up early?"

"We are going somewhere now."

"Wait what? Why? I don't want to leave your comfy bed though," she adds.

"I promise it will be worth it. We'll go for a bit and come back with enough time to still relax for the rest of the day," finally convincing her as she sits up in bed.

"Where to though?"

"The beach."

"Why there?" She asks.

"Because it makes me feel at peace. It's a safe place that makes everything better. I want to go there with you," I explain. Quinn's eyes start to light up and she gives me an adorable smile.

"How could I say no," she replies as she scoots closer to me to give me another quick peck.

"Yay!" I yell which makes her chuckle. "Let's eat something then get changed." She agrees and we head downstairs to have breakfast. We have the place all to ourselves, my parents are at work and won't be back until the evening.

We end up making pancakes and having to clean up a mess since Quinn accidentally drops a lit bit of pancake mix on the flour. Despite that the pancakes are so yummy and afterwards we head back to my room to change. We both put on shorts and t shirts so that we can comfortably walk along the beach.

When we are all ready with our towels we head outside to get into the car. My dad gave my mom a ride to work in his car so that they could leave me my mom's car for the day. So, I hand the keys over to Quinn so that she can drive us to the beach. It takes about thirty minutes to get to the beach and we pay for our parking and hop out of the car. I quickly take my shoes off so that I can feel the sand beneath my feet.

Quinn grabs my hand and we begin out qalk along the beach. We don't speak for a while and just enjoy the noise of the ocean crashing along the shore. It's violent but also calming at the same time. It makes me feel at ease. And Quinn and I even walk in the water and try to splash each other every once in a while. It's cold at first, but after a while we get used to the temperature and it doesn't bother us anymore.

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