8: Riley

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Today Mason and I arrive at school a little earlier than usual, so we decide to just hang out outside of my first period classroom.

"So, how did things go yesterday? Was it fine like I said it would be?" Mason asks.

"Actually it was better than fine. I had fun yesterday," I reply.

Mason gives me a big smile and wraps his arms around my waist to pull me in for a hug. "See, I'm so happy everything went well."

He pulls away slightly to look at me and adds, "You're glowing today. Making a friend really did do wonders. I'm glad you're so happy."

I stand on my toes to give him a quick kiss and then he let's go of me so I can lean against the wall.

"So, did you guys really study the whole time because that doesn't sound like not was so fun then?" He comments.

"No, we took a small break and I taught Quinn a little bit about the piano and she stayed for dinner," I explain to him.

Mason widens his eyes and looks at me disbelief. "You played the piano! Oh my god, it's been years since you played. And I'm hurt that I missed that dinne," he whines.

"I don't know, it all just happened in the moment," I reply.

"Well maybe next time I'm around you can play some music for me. I've always wanted to hear you play again. It's been ages."

"No, it hasn't. Just six or seven years," I say.

"That's a long time. We were so young the last time you played the piano. I'm surprised you still know how to play. Your piano must have collected so much dust," he comments.

"I never let it get that bad, I always clean it and tune it every few months. I'm not going to let anything happen to that piano, it's too important," I say.

"Okay. Well, I understand. I'm still salty that you haven't taught me or that I didn't get some of your parent's yummy food."

"I'll ask my parents to make extra food for you next time then," I reply before looking down at my phone. It's almost time for class and I look around Mason to see if I can spot Quinn. We have class together so she should be here soon.

"Earth to Riley, you there?" Mason asks as he waves his hand in front of my face.

"You okay there? You're kind of spacey today," he adds.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

"I was talking about the party that one of the guys on the football team is throwing next weekend. Are you going to go with me?" He asks.

"Um, I'm not sure Mason. I have a lot of studying to do," I reply.

"Aww come on babe, please..." he begs.

I'm about to give him another excuse when out of the corner of my eye I notice Quinn. Her face lights up with a smile as she sees me and she waves as she walks over to us.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Quinn asks.

Before I can say anything, Mason speaks up and says, "just trying to convince Riley to go to the pasty next week. You're going, right? All the cheerleaders are invited."

"I'm only going if Riley is," she responds.

"Riley, can you please go then, pretty please with a cherry on top! Quinn needs to go to the first party, it's like an initiation for all new sport team members," Mason adds.

"Come on, Riley. It will be fun. I want to see your party side!" Quinn says, "But no throwing anything at me this time. I'm still not over that tortilla toss."

"Wait what! You threw something at her? Who are you? I didn't know you had that in you!" Mason comments.

"All thanks to me, I can bring her out of her shell a bit. I'm that persuasive," Quinn says.

"You persuasive? Are you sure? I remember easily convincing you to stay yesterday," I tease, "let me remind you that you still need to convince me now."

"Oh right. Please come, Riley! You're the only person that I'm close to in that sport group. I will be so bored without you there," she begs.

"Let me think about it a bit more," I tease. Mason looks at me in shock. He's not used to me doing this, I usually cave fast and do whatever he wants. However I like teasing Quinn, I'm of course going to go, but it's fun seeing her beg me just a bit. It kind of makes me feel like I matter to her.

"I will do anything if you come to the party!" Quinn adds.

"Anything you say?"

"Yes, anything. You name it and I'll do it," she responds.

I take a few seconds to think about it, but the bell rings before I can pick something. "We can continue our conversation in class, don't worry. Just keep thinking about what you want," Quinn says.

I'm still deep in thought that I forget to kiss and hug Mason goodbye. Instead I just say bye and walk into the classroom. When I finally realize what I did I turn around, but I can't go out the door because people are piling into the classroom.

Madon waves goodbye and quickly hurries to his next class. So, I walk to my desk and sit next to Quinn. "So, have you thought about what you really want?" She asks again.

"No, I can't think right now," I reply.

"Hmm, I'll help you out. What's something that you've always wanted to try? Maybe I can help you out with that," Quinn suggests.

I think for a few more seconds and the first thing that pops into my mind is a sleepover. It's so simple and childish, but I never got to have one growing up. I wasn't very well liked in my schools when I was growing up, so I wasn't close to anyone to do it.

I shyly look down and whisper, "A sleepover."

"A sleepover? Why?"

"You told me to think of something I haven't done before that I wanted to try. That's what I want in return for doing to the party with you," I reply.

She looks at me skeptically then says, "Okay, deal. Sleepover for a party."

"Yay," I blurt out excitedly.

Quinn tilts her head to the side and smiles at me. "You're so cute...I mean what you did is cute. And you wanting a sleepover is adorable."

I start blushing and try to hide my embarrassment. "Don't get me wrong, I like the compliments, but you're making me super shy."

"Well you better get used to it. I think you deserve more compliments," she replies making me blush again.

"Whatever," I reply trying to hide my red face.

Quinn giggles then asks, "So, where do you want to do the sleepover and when?"

"Well, I don't think it should be at my home. I don't think that would be an authentic sleepover for me if I did it at my house. Is it okay to do it at yours?" I ask her.

"Yeah that sounds good. We can do it this weekend since we will go to the party next weekend. Let me just ask my mom and I'll tell you before practice starts, but I'm pretty sure it will be okay," Quinn replies.

I give her a big smile before I start to write down notes, but I feel someone's eyes on me. So, I look up and glance at Quinn and she's still looking at me.

She's at me fondly with this adorable smile that makes my heart skip a beat. She notices that she just got caught and she looks away quickly.

For some reason I want her to look at me like that again, but I push the thought aside and continue listening to the lecture in class so that I can write down notes.

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