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I'm so excited today that I can't really pay attention in class, but I don't care. Normally I would be freaking out if I didn't understand all the notes, but my mind is preoccupied with thinking about the sleepover.

I feel like a child for being so excited, but I can't help it. I've always wanted to do it. It's like a dream coming true. I need to thank Quinn for making this all possible for me.

Finally school ends and all I have to do is wait for Quinn's practice to end then we can leave. I make my way over to the bleachers and attempt to start some homework, but I can't do that either. Quinn just keeps popping into my head. I wonder what she has planned for us to do today.

Suddenly someone puts their hands on my shoulders and I look up to expect Mason, but it's actually Quinn smiling down at me. Her light green eyes seem to twinkle in the sunlight and I can't help but stare at her. Her beauty is very enchanting, especially with her big smile that instantly warms my heart and makes me feel safe.

"Uhhh, hi," I say, mentally face palming at my awkwardness.

"Hey there, Riley," she says while sitting down next to me. Our legs slightly touch by accident and I feel goosebumps start to form. I don't understand why though, man I hope I'm not getting sick. I cannot miss any school.

Before Quinn can say another word, I hear Mason. "I knew you guys would be together already. You two are practically inseparable and it's only been like two weeks," comments Mason as he sits on my other side.

"Hey, you're the one that wanted me to make a friend, it's your fault, don't whine," I tease Mason.

He looks at me in disbelief then chuckles. "Never though I would see the day where you turn sassy, but I guess I'm wrong," he comments.

"Well, I learned from the best," I say pointing in Quinn's direction and she smirks at me. The action makes my heart beat like crazy and I try to calm down.

"Hey, Mason, get your ass down here or you run laps. Maybe that will teach you not to be late to practice," yells his coach. Mason looks pretty scared, so he quickly runs to the field, leaving Quinn and I alone.

Sometimes I prefer it like this. Dont get me wrong, I love Mason so much, but it's nice being around another girl. Being around someone who just gets you.

Mason tries his best to understand me, but I feel like I've known Quinn for as long as I've known him. It's a wierd feeling considering that Quinn and I have just become friends, but I feel good around her. I feel like I can trust her.

"I really should go to practice. I can't be late again or the captain will beat the crap out of me," Quinn jokes. "I'll see you after practice."

She walks away and I kind of have an empty feeling now. Like I'm missing a part of myself. I know I'm probably just being dramatic, but I just feel cold without her around. Maybe I'm getting too clingy to her? I really don't know what's going on, it's been a long time since I've made a new friend, so I'm quite rusty to this social aspect.

Anyway, I get back to my homework and eventually finish most of it by the time practice is almost done. I look down st my phone and notice there is just five minutes left, so I just pack and head down the bleachers. I walk straight to where the cheerleaders are practicing and wait until they are dismissed to walk to Quinn.

She's wearing her uniform today and it fits her nicely. Our school colors are white and blue, so not a bad combination. The outfits are pretty, especially on Quinn. She puts the other girls to shame in my opinion.

I wish I could look as good as her. She's so athletic and I'm so not. Not to mention, she also looks good in a pony tail with her straight blonde hair. I could never pull that off, my hair is too wavy and frizzy. I get that from my mom's side.

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