7: Quinn

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After we finish eating, Riley's parents give her the keys to one of their cars and I follow her outside to the driveway. We get into a car and back out and I give her directions to my home. We stay silent for the most part of the drive, but I finally break the silence when I comment, "You have a lovely family, Riley."

"Thank you. My parents really like you, maybe more then they like me," she jokes.

"Well, what can I say, I'm quite the charmer," I reply.

I make Riley chuckle and she agrees, "You're right. You've charmed yourself right into the hearts of my parents."

"How about your heart?" I blurt out. I can't help but make a fool of myself.

"I think we both know that you already have a place in my heart. You're the first friend that I have made in a long time. So, you're important to me," she responds. Damn, this girl is melting my heart right now. She's the sweetest person and I'm so into her even though she did call me just her friend.

No matter what, I'm always going to be here for her. She has a place in my heart just like I have a place in hers. Even if we are only ever friends, I feel close to her and won't leave her. I'll be the best friend I can be to her because I understand what it's like to be alone and not have many friends.

After a few more minutes we finally make it to my home and Riley parks the car in my driveway. I hesitate for a few seconds and decide to stay in the car for a bit longer with her. I can't get myself to leave this car yet.

We sit in silence for a few seconds before Riley asks, "So, did you like the food?"

"Did I like the food? Oh my god, I loved the food. I also had no idea you were Hispanic. I thought you were white, so the enchiladas and your parent's story really took me for a loop."

Riley laughs at me before saying, "It's okay that you assumed my race, I know I don't exactly portray as Mexican. Also, my last name isn't Mexican, so I get why you didn't know."

"Also, I can in fact do more things other than pasta, for the record," she adds.

"Oh yeah, what else can you do?"

"I can make a sandwich!" she blurts out making me laugh my ass off.

"That doesn't count, you don't need to use a stove or oven for that," I reply.

"Okay, fine then," she says pausing to think of something else she can make. "I can make an egg sandwich. You know like I cook the egg with a pan."

I look at her skeptically for a few seconds then we both burst out laughing.

"I'm just going to shut up now because I'm digging myself a bigger hole now," she adds after we calm down.

I agree with her and look down at my phone to notice that we have been here for a while, so I should leave now even though I don't want to.

"I need to get inside now unfortunately," I comment.

"Aw already," she blurts out making me smile at her. "I mean I understand, thanks for coming over and staying for dinner," she adds.

"No, thank you, for having me over," I reply and she gives me such a beautiful smile. I can't but add, "You have a really pretty smile. Hopefully I can see that more often. Not to mention, also your open and carefree personality. I'm not used to it, and it really makes me happy to see it."

Riley looks down and I can see the glimpse of another smile as she quietly replies with another thank you.

"See you at school tomorrow, Riley," I say before getting out of the car and walking to my door. I unlock it with my key and just before I walk inside I turn around to wave goodbye to Riley before she drives away.

I walk into my home and the first thing that my mom says is, "Why do you have such a big smile on your face?"

"I just had a fun day that's all," I reply before I head upstairs into my bedroom. I get to my bed and lay down and think about all the events that happened today. I can't get this stupid smile of off my face. Ugh.

Then it suddenly hits me, I never apologized for asking about that picture. I guess it's best not to bring it up again to her since she acted so wierd when I asked about the boy.

I wonder who he is though. Is he family? A cousin? Uncle? Friend? I have so many questions but I'm scared to ask.

She barely started opening up to me and I don't want her to close herself up again. I like seeing the other side of her. The carefree and playful side. It's like a 180 from how she is in school.

When she finally feels comfortable and drops her shyness she has this incredible light around her. Like when you're around her you just feel so at ease and feel like nothing could go wrong.

I don't know what it is about her, but I just feel so good when I'm next to her.

So that's why I'm not going to pressure her. I don't want to force her out of her comfort zone suddenly. I want her to warm up to me and tell me how she feels when she is ready.

It might take weeks, months or years to figure her out completely, but I'm okay with that.

I have that feeling that she's worth it. She's worth going through the patience with because I know she'll be an amazing friend to me.

I slowly start to drift of to sleep, but the last thought I have is of how excited I am to see her again tomorrow at school.

Author note: The chapter is a little shorter than normal, but I really wanted to show more scenes between Riley and Quinn. I love writing about their growing relationship.

Here's a hint, you guys might get another chapter tomorrow since I'll being heading to the airport and waiting around for my flight!

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