49: Riley

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We all finish eating and my dad suggests, "I know it's a school night, but I think it would be a good idea for all of us to watch a movie. We could watch a comedy."

"That's sounds like an amazing idea. My parents would never let me do that, they would make me study all night long," comments Quinn.

"Well, studying is important, but it shouldn't be everything. You need to look after yourself and have fun every once in a while," my mom explains to her.

Quinn's face softens and she replies with, "Damn. I think I was born in the wrong family."

My parents laugh before responding with, "Sometimes, we think Riley was born in the wrong family. This kid doesn't like to have fun, she only studies."

"Please help our daughter have more fun. Drag her out more often," my mom jokes.

"You guys are mean," I mumble out which just makes my parents laugh harder.

"Don't worry, now that I'm here I'll help you become more fun," Quinn teases as she puts her arms around me and pull me in close for a hug. I try to push her away because I'm annoyed, but she doesn't let go.

I smack her with a pillow and she gasps in surprise. That reaction just makes me smack her in the face with the pillow again. I start laughing and suddenly I get smacked in the face and I lean back in shock. I turn to face my dad as he laughs at me while he holds the pillow in my hand.

"How dare you betray me!"

"Oh god, you're so dramatic," comments Quinn.

"You guys are jerks," I say getting up.

"No don't leave, Riley. Come on, it was just a joke," my parents say. I'm not angry at all, I'm just standing up to pick a movie to play. However, Quinn is right, I'm very dramatic. So, I'll just play along for a bit.

"No, you guys have deeply hurt my feelings. I no longer what to be here," I reply trying to hold in my laugh.

My dad immediately gets up and picks me up. "Not happening, young lady. We demand you stay and watch a funny movie whether you like it or not." He carries me to the couch and drops me on Quinn who yelps out for help.

"Why punish me," Quinn croaks out beneath me and we all start laughing. I try to move of her, but she grabs onto my shirt then she wraps her arms around my waist. The act makes my heart pound like crazy and I try to hide my red face in her shoulder.

"Hurry up, put the movie on, I've got a hold of her!" Quinn yells to my dad. He runs over to a shelf and grabs a movie to put into the DVD player.

I try to push Quinn away so that I can get up to put the movie that I want to watch, but she refuses to let go of me. "Traitor!" I yell.

Quinn chuckles and says, "I'm not letting go, knowing you, you'll try to run."

"Jerk," I reply as I try to squirm out of her grasp which just makes her hold on me tighter.

"Go ahead and keep calling me names, I'm still not letting you go. Not now or ever," she replies with a smirk. I scowl at her and for a brief second she loosens her grip on me so that she can boop my nose. I instantly start laughing athe silly act and so does she.

"Nice job, Quinn," my dad says as he sits down on the couch next to my mom. I turn to face the television and notice that the movie is about to play. I wait a few seconds for the opening of the movie and realize that it was the one I was going to pick. I glance at my dad and he gives me a wink, he knows that I love this movie.

"Going to run or can I let go of you so that I can't actually breathe again," Quinn whispers near my ear which makes me shiver. I roll my eyes, but agree to the second option.

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