Chapter 39: For Us

Start from the beginning

Nicole: I mean, I know it's short notice and you're probably busy, but my family would love to see you again! And there are so many places I wanted to take you to that we just didn't have enough time before. Laura and I would always go out to this field in the middle of the desert and watch the fireworks go off as midnight hits. I think it'd be fun if you were there.

Michael: Oh...

Suddenly realizing the plate in front of him was now a bowl of butternut squash bisque, Michael wondered how long he'd been dreaming. How much did he miss? He saw his date, spinning her spoon nervously in her bowl before reaching for her champagne again.

Nicole: If you can't, I understand. That's okay--

Michael: Actually, Nicole, I should tell you something. I'm leaving for New York tonight--

Nicole: Tonight!?

Michael: Yes... We're taking the red eye out at midnight.

Nicole: Oh... What are you working on?

Michael: It's a new project, you see, and we're still working out the details--

Nicole: When will you be back?

Michael: We haven't got a date yet. It may take a while...

Nicole: Oh. Gosh, I sure will miss you.

Her soul was beautiful tonight, as her loving eyes matched his. Pushing his soup aside, Michael took a long drink from his glass, hesitating before reaching for Nicole's hand.

Michael: I want to ask you something...

Nicole: Yes?

Michael: Would you come with me?

Nicole: To New York?

Michael: Yes.

This time he noticed as the third course was brought out to replace the soup. A linguini with steak seared hard to just the right shade of pink inside. Nicole smiled at the perfect plating, then watched the waitress refill their champagne glasses. She was distracted by the new dish, again dissecting.

Michael: Nicole?

Nicole: Hmm?-- Why aren't you eating? This food is amazing!

Michael stuttered picking up his fork just to blindly tap it against the table linen.

Michael: Nicole, I asked you a question.

Nicole: You don't really want me to come with you, Michael.

Michael: But of course I do!

Nicole: Tonight?

Michael: Sure! Or after Christmas. I got a condo in the city. We'll stay together just like we did at your apartment. Just you and me--

Nicole: But you'll be working.

Michael: Yes, but--

Nicole: So what am I supposed to do?

Michael: Whatever you want, it's New York City!

Nicole just groaned, twirling the pasta between the prongs of her fork. Michael suddenly felt deflated. Her reaction wasn't at all what he was hoping for.

Michael: What about after the new year?

Nicole: But school--

Michael: Well, what if you didn't go back?

Nicole: What!? Why wouldn't I go back?

Michael: You could just... take a break.

Nicole: For what?

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