Chapter 2: Old Habits

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Saturday, June 16, 1979

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Saturday, June 16, 1979

Nicole Dillard was, among other things, a creature of habit. Every day was exactly the same, and that's just how she liked it. She would wake up at 6 AM to the sounds of her morning jazz mixtape, followed by a brisk shower, dressed, and watching the morning news with a bowl of cereal by 7. As the headlines played, she packed her lunch, did hair and makeup, then was out the door no later than 7:35. Of course, there were days that didn't go perfectly according to schedule and on those rare occasions, she would feel just a little "off" for reasons that couldn't be remedied. Like the feeling of wearing your shoes on the wrong feet, except she couldn't just change the shoes out, she would just have to wait patiently for the day to end, then try again the next morning.

The day after she met Michael Jackson, was an "off" day. Nicole slept straight through her alarm, somehow the volume lower than usual. It was 7:30 when she finally awoke and with no time for a shower or breakfast, she quickly dressed and ran out the door. Today was Saturday, and on weekends, Nicole volunteered at the public library, restocking shelves and helping plan community events. It had been her routine since sophomore year of high school when she was looking for extracurriculars to enhance her college application.

Now her high school days were over, but Nicole had fallen in love with this place, these people, and these books. No one would care that she was late, her coworkers were honestly amazed that she kept showing up at all. In February, when Nicole was accepted to California State, they thought for sure she was done, even offering her minimum wage to join the team officially, but Nicole didn't accept the money, vowing to keep coming until the day she moved. In her mind, it was the least Nicole could do in service to the city and words that raised her.

But nevertheless, her day was "off." When a group of young girls asked where to find the "Ramona" books, she heard "Romeo" and pointed them towards Shakespeare. She should've known three eight-year-olds were referring to Beverly Cleary! She was tired and growing agitated with herself, so she called her best friend.

Laura: Hello?

Nicole: Hey, you busy today?

Laura: No, I'm home. Just babysitting Roger. What's going on?

Nicole: I'm just... I'm feeling a little off today. Can you come by the library?

Laura: Sure, we'll be right over.

Nicole: — Oh, hey, can you bring me something to eat? I forgot my lunch...

Laura: ... You forgot?

Nicole: Well, I didn't have time. I overslept.

Laura: You what!?

The girls had been bestfriends since before either could remember. Laura knew Nicole's habits and ticks better than anybody, and oversleeping was a serious red flag. 

Nicole: Please! Just come quick, okay?

Laura: Okay, okay! See you soon!

Nicole roamed the aisles patiently waiting for her friend as slowly, memories of her dinner with Michael came back. Then she remembered her dream. She was at a concert. One of his concerts, though she'd never seen him perform before, somehow she knew. The audience was singing and dancing together, and she sang and danced with them, though she'd never heard these songs before. It was beautiful, just as Michael said it would be.

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