Chapter 19: Thanksgiving Day - Part One: Laura

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Thursday, November 22, 1979

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Thursday, November 22, 1979

It was a dark, cloudy Thanksgiving morning and Nicole found herself sleeping in for the first time in ages. It was strange being back in her old bedroom after so many months away, but this place would always be home. She stretched, hopping out of bed to turn up the radio and open the curtains, welcoming whatever bits of sun wanted to make an appearance. She skipped to the bathroom and started the shower. Turning to the mirror, Nicole smiled broadly at herself. Then, she wondered, why... 

What was this mood she was in? 

It'd been a long time since Nicole felt joy like this. The kind of joy that just sat there, sharing your space for no particular reason. The rare, silent joy that asked nothing in return, it just welcomed you to breathe it in and feel the effects. Her mind raced back to the night before. In a way it felt like a dream, but the weight that'd been lifted from her shoulders told Nicole it was real. 

Today would be a good day.

After a long shower, Nicole walked through her closet. Not much was left, just a couple old boxes of memories and art projects. Sneakers with worn soles and a mirage of t-shirts covered in logos and slogans she could barely remember. And hanging in the back with the tags still on was a navy, floor length ball gown covered in beading. Her parents bought it for her senior year, "just in case."

Bouncing down the stairs, Nicole confirmed her parents were gone. Now it was time to start preparing the meal. Since Nicole grew up in a small family, they never had extravagant Thanksgivings like many of her friends. There was no extended family showing up in truck loads and packing a week's worth of leftovers on their return home. The Dillards ate simply, just a roasted duck, a few sides and their favorite store-bought apple pie for dessert. And honestly, Nicole wouldn't have it any other way. She never had to be banished to a children's table or forced to make small talk with goofy uncles and nosey aunties. As she opened the cupboard to scavenge for her favorite coffee mug, Nicole noticed the clock for the first time all morning. With a gasp and curse to herself, she quickly picked up the phone.

Laura: Hello?

Nicole: Hey--

Laura: You were supposed to call me last night! Where have you been!? Do you know I was worried sick about you!?

Nicole: You were not--

Laura: Well no, because my dad said he saw your car-- but still! Don't you know how to pick up the phone!?

Nicole: I'm sorry!! It was such a crazy day. I just slept in--

Laura: You slept in? YOU slept in?

Nicole: Sure. I was exhausted.

Laura: Uh huh... 'Exhausted,' my ass. Where's Michael?

Nicole: He's still in bed.

Laura: Oka--aaaaaay!

Nicole: ... What does that mean? Why are you talking like that?--

Laura: Girl, I am putting my shoes on right now. You better be ready to give me all the details in 10 minutes!

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