Chapter 10: Going Steady - Part Three: Dare

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Final exams were looming, and as the days grew colder, Nicole's school work became more intense

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Final exams were looming, and as the days grew colder, Nicole's school work became more intense. Michael would often quiz her on Geography and Economics or just read silently while she studied to enjoy each other's presence and grant her time to focus. They touched often now, innocent petting and happy kisses. Always holding hands, but nothing more. Flirting was rarely done in person, only through whispers over the phone when Michael was bursting with adrenaline or half asleep. So little had changed in the past month actually, Nicole feared they'd grown platonic, wondering if maybe Michael and her were better off as friends. 

They weren't the type of couple to just lay around and make out aimlessly, though the thought lived silently in the back of their minds. Even if Michael were to submit to his urge, he could never be sure they weren't being watched by a nosey sister or nagging mother. The paranoia kept his hands and lips at bay. And while she loved that Michael was kind, a gentleman by all means, it left Nicole wondering if their incredible sunrise moment was all a dream.

Friday, November 2, 1979

It was a quiet Friday afternoon. It seemed like everyone had somewhere to be or something to do, except Nicole and Michael, who found it perfectly acceptable that they could just be with each other. Michael was laid on the floor, his preferred reading location, flipping through an old art book, marking the ears for pieces he'd love to see in real life one day. Nicole was sitting in the middle of his bed, restlessly rereading the same paragraph about the definition of "opportunity cost." 

"The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one particular alternative is chosen over the others--"

She slammed the book closed and groaned aggressively before getting up.

Nicole: I can't do this anymore!

Michael: Do what?

Nicole: I hate this class! Economics makes no sense!

Michael: .... You really should study.

Nicole: Nerd.

Refusing to play into her dramatics, Michael snorted a chuckle and kept his head down. It was odd sometimes, having Nicole in his room in such a casual way, but as the days passed it became more normal. Often she would absentmindedly stack books or try to organize his chaos just a little bit better. Never minding, Michael would watch her pace and fuss and tinker, then return to her studies once the frustrations passed. It was always the same routine. And though she still never complained about his messy habits, Michael knew Nicole lived much differently. He didn't mind her being nosey, he was the same way. Which was exactly Nicole's excuse for never inviting him inside her apartment...

New fan memorabilia was delivered recently in piles near the door. Letters, cards, artwork, anything that fans saw or heard Michael liked would show up in truckloads the next week as gifts of affection. Michael was always grateful for his fans and the unyielding love they showed, especially now in support of "Off the Wall," but filtering through and replying to everyone oftentimes felt like a chore. In a bag like the sack Santa carried, were at least 300 letters. One in a bright pink envelope, Nicole opened first:

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