✉ James and the reader ✉

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Although James kinda creeps me out I still thinks he's pretty handsome :))


I had been walking around with Mr. Sunderland for a while now, for time to time he shot the strange creatures around town; not that I couldn't do it myself, but I just haven't found a gun yet... and I have yet to be taught how to use one...

Nevertheless, I marched around behind James. 

Its was foggy; strangely warm but James wore thick clothes...

"How are you not boiling with that thick army jacket on?" I asked, feeling slightly breathless from walking.

He stopped for a second, "Um- I don't know... I guess I could ask you how are you not frozen." He retorted back, looking at me with a slight smile.

"Fair point." I replied, laughing slightly and continued walking.

Mr. Sunderland was nice company for the time, I had met him when I had just met Maria. He seemed rather strange at first, going on about his late wife and how she had somehow written a letter to him.

I had followed him and Maria for about an hour before we got separated from Maria and now we're trying to look for her.

The fog was thick throughout the entire town, making even more difficult to find Maria... but we wondered around town anyways looking for medical kits and hopefully a gun for me.

James went still for a moment, he gripped his steel pipe. He was unmoving.

"James you okay?" I said tapping his shoulder, he twitched.

"oh sorry, I swear I saw.... Mary." he said solemnly. 

"It could be Maria though, I'm not sure. Where did they go?" I asked.

"Just into that building." He pointed towards an old building, looked to be like a restaurant, but the fog was stuck I couldn't tell from afar...

"Let's go then." I stated and we walke together cautiously.

As we came closer I noticed that it was more of a bar than a restaurant but either way, if the door's open then there could be something in there.

The door was open and we both went in scavenging for things; James wondered around the back and I tried looking for things around tables or spare rooms...

"Hey," James shouted, "I think I found you a gun!" I looked over at him, he stood behind the counter.

My eyes widened as I excitedly stepped towards the counter. As I stood infront of the desk and him behind it he brought out a shotgun from underneath the counter top.

He picked up the shotgun and handed to me, "here, you have it." His voice was sweet and kind.

"Are you sure." I asked, nervously.

"Yes!" He said laughing slightly, "it's closer ranged so its should be easier for you." He added, I took the gun steadily.

"But aren't shotguns more powerful?" I sighed, "I'm sorry. Its just- I've never used a gun before." I stated.

He looked at me for a moment, "Its fine dont worry. I'm sure you know how to fire though..." he cocked a brow, I nodded in response, I laughed slightly. I liked how he made light of the grim situation, "there you go, no need to feel nervous." He paused for a moment.

"Do you know how to reload the barrel?" He asked.

I looked up at him, my brows furrowed, I actually had no clue... I shook my head slightly.

"Oh okay, no worries. You just- do you mind?" He reached over for a part of the gun, I tilted it his way, "see, you just push this and this opens up, you put the shells in there, but be sure to take the old ones out okay." He smiled my way.

"Cool," I nodded smiling back, understanding.

"Cool," I nodded smiling back, understanding

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