🔥 Rathalos and the reader 🔥

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Art by Vinceprince on tumbr ^^

Requested by @OneThiccMoth 💕 💞💖

This was fun to write as I grew up with monster hunter, I vividly remember playing one of the games constantly on my ds when I was a kid. My favorite was always the mizutsune >:)

After trying to bring back the head of the Rathalos Dragon you realize that the task set is easier said than done. After coming into contact with the dragon it seemed to be as hot headed as you though but strangely possessive. Not directly attacking you but enough to knock you out in one swift move, when you woke up you didn't know here you were and you had no weapon to defend yourself... Dun dun duuuuuunn!


The place smelled of smoke and Rathaols was no where to be seen.

The place it had left me was totally unfamiliar. I felt hot and tired in all my armor and my head hurt Still aware of my surroundings, though. Even if my head pounded against my skull my survival depends on me not being stupid in this moment.

Where ever I am, I've never seen it before. It looked like an abandoned fortress, breaking and scorched over time. The solid bricks were blackened, burned somehow. And from where I was standing this seemed to be high. Really high. I couldn't bear look over the edge of the tower. Potent fumes and hot liquid fire seemed to circle from below. Peering over the edge of the keep's walls I could see the leafless, twisted trees that once probably made a pleasant clearing with abundant green plants. However, there was just a bleak clearing now and only the unnerving caw of circling birds could be heard.

I heard an animal screech far off in the distance. I kept my head low, peeking over the small wall that kept me from falling off.

 I peeked over. Silence. The crows stopped their awful song.

Then an entire flock rose in one swift movement. Then the Rathalos followed. Its wings streached upward then pushed down lifting it higher into the air, the distant lush tree's leaves all moved in unison with the resistance of the dragon taking flight. In one of its giant claws was a dead animal, its lifeless head swaying as it flew.

I lowered my head. keeping silent. The only way i could've come here is by the Rathalos. But why hadn't it killed me when it had the chance? Why is it getting food now? Why am I here of all places? 

I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. My legs tingling with adrenalin. Ready to run. 

But there was no where to run... I'm stuck here. And the Rathalos draws closer.

I feel the gust of wind from it's wings draw ever near. 


Its feet dangle down, the head of the dead animal swinging slightly in its dark claws.

It let go of it, the body hitting the ground and the air still violently circling around with every beat of the dragon's wings.

When it stopped and dropped to the ground it stood there for a second and streached it's wings and yawned? Never saw a dragon do that before...

The red dragon shuffled its feet around, with the same furrowed brow and sat down as it folded it's wings, the discolored patterns becoming ruffled and crimped. 

I sat still for a moment. Did it forget I'm here or something? 

Looking up, its just seemed to stare off into the distance. But as I looked at the dragon I realized how it was outstretching the wing closest to me, it's claws spread out and reaching toward me. I panicked and placed my hands over my head. But it just placed its strange claws gently on my back; pulling me towards it's cream coloured scales and keeping me under its thin yet warm wing, the sunlight slightly seeping through the skin, the dim light making everything seem more calm than it was. The scales felt warm to the touch. The Rathalos hasn't hurt me, but why?

Why hasn't it attacked me here. Why is it acting in a sincere way? But why do I feel calm all of a sudden? I sheepishly rest my head against the side of it's torso. I hear the strong, rhythmic heartbeat from the other side of the scales. The body slightly shifting as I heard it's lungs fill then exhale with a slight growl. 

I felt strangely safe, even though the Rathalos dragon is known to be thee most dangerous Monster, earing the title "King of the sky". But after all of that. I feel okay. Sure it knocked me out and took me to an unknown location but at this moment. 

I feel at peace with the dragon next to me.

I feel at peace with the dragon next to me

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sorry this took me so long and this isn't my strongest story...

online class has me fucced up >:/

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