🔫 Doomguy and the reader 🔫

756 23 12

Requested?: AryTheIndecisiveSimp 💖

(Mental health??)
The reader is having a bad day so doomguy comforts them :)


I dont know why but I just feel awful.
I woke up and felt miserable for no good reason.

I hadn't left the bed for at least a few hours, I just layed there and did nothing. The softness of the blankets, the warmth I provided myself compared to the coldness on the other side of the covers.

I sighed, another wave of existential self loathing washed over my crowded mind. I pushed into the pillow, pulling the blankets into myself as I curled my legs closer to my torso.

I layed still for a moment, it was silent but my mind was full of inaudible noise.

Knock knock

I peek up from under the warm blanket, cold air settling on my face as my eyes found doomguy - my face softened.

He peeked from behind the door, watching as I tried to smile for him, "hi," I said; looking down as I sat up, feeling small. He walked towards me, "I'm sorry I've just been in bed all this tim-" he placed his finger on my lips, stopping me from speaking. I looked up and saw how his face so calm, soft, almost sad at what I said as his hand moved to cup the side of my face. I leaned into his hand, holding it with my own, feeling his coarse skin and ridged tendons flex slightly. His hand was huge - it practically stretched to the entirety of my head, holding it gently.

He leaned in, placing a small kiss on my forehead, still holding my face. I smiled slightly as his forehead pressed against mine, "thank you," i spoke, my voice quiet but hoarse.

He smiled gently, letting go of my face and laying down next to me. His arms arms outstretched, waiting for me to lay on his chest so he can hug me. I scoffed a laugh but didnt refuse the offer, I tried to roll over, scooting myself on top of him. He felt so warm but solid under the soft black shirt he wore. He wasnt cold like the thin air outside the blanket, it was comforting that he shared his warmth with me, laying down and simply being with me. I rested my head upon his chest; listening to his steady breath, his strong heartbeat. I felt my face warm up slightly as he felt the back of my head, keeping me in place, his other hand sliding up my bare back. I felt his coarse fingers graze the outline of my spine, going up and down slowly, resting his chin gently upon the top of my head.

I could only concentrate on his touch, his gentle actions; I slowly felt more love than self consciousness. I pulled him closer, breathing him in, and remembering the scent. I held him tighter, wrapping my arms around him securely feeling safe.

He simply stroked the back of my head, earing a small sigh of contentment as we both layed together; still, silent and understanding one another's silence.

He simply stroked the back of my head, earing a small sigh of contentment as we both layed together; still, silent and understanding one another's silence

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