🌱 Master Chief and the reader 🌱

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Requested by @HoneyLavander4 💖💕 💞

I've never actually played halo but Master Chief is pretty poggers 😎👌

The reader has been in training, ready to become another Spartan. But everything seems frustrating at the moment. They cant aim whilst running most of the time and the suit keeps malfunctioning in the middle of fights. It's just rather overwhelming...


I sat alone in my flat, dense bed, thinking about why my luck had been so thin lately.
Fate had made me look idiotic; and I wasn't sure if I was to blame because of it. Everything just felt off lately and I dont know why...

I look around my room, the same grey, bleak shade of metallic steel stared back at me and the empty silence made me feel more alone than I was with this ship full of people.

I sighed, getting up and buttoning up my uniform properly before stepping out of my dorm.

The hallways were long and quiet, I only encountered a couple people when I walked sluggishly to the firing range to clear my mind.

The walk was brisk and uneventful, thankfully. I showed the receptionist my ID and walked in with heavy steps. I sniffed as I picked up a random pistol from the open selection of firing arms. Although... I only saw two other people with guns and one of them was in full spartan armour...

Master Cheif was practicing his aim?

I looked away, not wanting to secondhand idly distract him. I strode towards an empty shooting window as I tried to aim the somewhat soundless, electric gun. I pull the trigger.

Of centre...

I sigh and look away - frustrated - before extending my arms again. I focus on the tip of the gun. I inhale, aiming and adjusting. I pull the trigger again.

Still off centred...

"Why cant I land a shot?" I muttered to myself as I frowned at the target. I started to feel more uneasy than I did before...

"You alright?" I scoffed in fear as I quickly turned around. Master Cheif seemed to be pearing over my shoulder.

"Oh God, sorry." I spoke, half exhaling as I did so, "i just- i cant seem to hit the centre if the target. No worries." I laughed breathlessly.

He looked ahead of me, "looks pretty centred to me." He stated. I raised my eyebrows and looked at the target, surprised with what he said. It was off, like how you remembered it...

"I-" I furrowed my eyebrows again, "I dont understand." I felt completely deflated, I didn't know what he was reffering to.

"You hit the target didnt you?"

"Yes, but its-"

"So you didnt miss it. Believe me, I know when someone is being too hard on themselves." He paused, "your doing the best you can solider. And that is what counts, I've seen stuff and experienced some weird shit. But they're just stuff that happened. You have to focus on what you make of yourself now." He gently placed his hand on my shoulder and held it for a moment before bowing his head, "Its gonna be okay. Even if it doesn't seem like it now."


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I'm sorry this took SOO long to come out, and how its rlly short. I've just been really sluggish lately and school just ain't helping...

But I hope your all doing swell 💗💓💕💖💞🥺👌

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