Chapter 11- On Me

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" Like what?" Veronica asks.

" Like what we're doing today, you're sacrificing your innocence." Vera replies, " And just so you know, you can't tell a soul about whatever happened tonight. Whatever happens in Manhattan stays in Manhattan...unless you wanna meet the Tigress and end up like our damned Queen at her pageant."

Their innocence hadn't faded totally yet so they still couldn't get the clear picture of what mess they'd actually walked themselves into.

Joy turns into the woods and drove at a steady pace down a trail to a spot.

She parked and everyone got out to take turns using the mouthwash. Asare was very smart and could smell alcohol a mile away.

They realized the other car had already been parked and covered.

" How'd they get here so fast?" Faye wonders.

" We go together but leave in different direction so it's not easy to trace us, in this sense, their route was faster." Joy explains and Kweiba who was leaning on Faye for support, threw up spontaneously unto the dried leaves on the dirt ground.

" Oh lord, you're fortunate you didn't get any of that on me. Get her a water bottle please." Faye says to Vera who hands her one from the trunk.

After turning off the engine and covering it up with a black car jacket, they rushed towards the school's third exit. Vera stops them from crossing and watches for the flashing of the lights. It crosses a minute later and they tiptoe away before stopping again when it came crossing infront of them again. They rushed towards the door when the light went away from their path and made it back downstairs fast enough to change into their pajamas and morning coats before rushing upstairs.

They all walked out the secret door and Vera shut the door tightly and found a way to lock it without using it's key.

Veronica zips up the purse into her suitcase and jumps into bed.

That was when they saw a flash of light from outside on the balcony and they all quickly get back into bed but Kweiba who was already drowsy, finds it hard to climb up her bed and Mrs Asare walks in and flips on the light switch on her.

The room is filled with blinding white light.

" What are you doing young lady?" She asks sternly, " Get up ladies I need a head count immediately, I hear some scoundrels are up and about at this odd hour!!"

Veronica runs to her rescue, " Oh Kweiba I've told you time and again to get a potty for your frequent nightly pees."

" Whatever that is about, I am not interested. Anita, please give me a clear head count." She calls out to Anita who had just stepped out her little cabin at the voice of Mrs Asare.

Anita assumes her role and goes up and down the room counting.

" Twenty nine heads, Madame." She replies.

" Good, I know I am not housing notorious girls." She says and steps out to Dorm 1 Cortess.

Pheew! That was close!


Saturday rising bell rung at 6:00am instead of the usual 4:30am on school days.  Still many of them groaned and refused to get up and Kweiba was the worst in the dorm, she couldn't even stand the lightning from the sun rays pouring in through the opened window.

A sharp pain seeped through her skull at the sound of the bell.

It took Ciarra, her bunk mate, to help her get down and go shower. Faye decided to do her chores for her in addition to her own laundry. Breakfast on weekends was at 8:00am so most of the students do their laundry and chores before it's dining.

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