Chapter 42- Virgins

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Post Malone Circles

Chapter dedicated to all my friends.

" I have never pulled off something like that before but it sounds exciting so I'll do it." Healenore grins.

" So which seniors do we have on our list for today?" Efua asks.

" Ivy, Beullah and Jade." Veronica says.

" Great, at least we don't have many upsetting people on our list." Mae blows out an exhausted sigh.

" Faye and Ciarra will be going this time, I and Kweiba will go tomorrow and we'll delegate others for the day after." Ashanti says.

" Why Faye and Ciarra ?" Healenore asks.

" No offense but we need at least one level headed person in every pair. Or do you want me to pair Kweiba with Faye?..." Ashanti asks.

" You're right." Healenore agrees.

" Why do you need coffee anyway, I mean Ciarra is the only one who probably needs it with all her midnight rendezvous." Mae asks everyone and Ciarra gives her the look.

" Oh come on." Mae chuckles and Ciarra couldn't help but smile.

" It's got something to do with my game yesterday. I kinda need this after twenty sit-ups, ten laps around the field, suicide bags and fifty kickbacks. It just reminded me of how tough soccer can be and man I love a challenge." Faye complains before taking a sip of her coffee, " My body hurts like hell and I feel like drifting off every ten seconds. That reminds me.... Freddie, can I please get another cup to go?"

" Actually Freddie, she doesn't need another." Veronica calls to him before turning to Faye, " It's already a chore babysitting a sober Faye, it's gonna be worse if you have caffeine dripping into your bloodstream!"

" My skin is starting to feel like it's burning." Efua starts without looking down.

" Actually it is burning,you've got Sarah's coffee all over your hand." Ciarra points out and her eyes widen in horror as Sarah quickly picked up her tilted mug.

" I'm so sorry." She apologizes and rips several tissue papers from the roll on the table and dabbed at her hand.

As they spoke about burns, Ashanti's mind is taken back to Zaron in the empty classroom the previous day. She had noticed the reason why he always had so much clothes on. The sleeves, but she hadn't asked him about it since he obviously wasn't feeling too good to talk. He had scalding scars all over the upper part of his left torso all the way to the wrist of his left hand.

From afar, they'd look like three dimensional tattoos carved out of his skin but up close, though they were fully healed, the burns just marred his skin. She wondered what happened for him to get it because he wasn't the clumsy type though slightly autistic.

" Can we talk about something else like how we've heard nothing about Faye's junior high life" Sarah says dipping a piece of her bun in her coffee.

" You know you're the only teenage girl I've ever met who still does that. Only old people do that." Faye points out, " And for your information, I've been to boarding schools all my life. I started from fourth grade. That was a mixed school until when I was a tween and begun to have an interest in everything boys. I was sent to an all girls boarding school after and now my Dad believes I am more matured and capable of controlling my actions so he allowed me to attend Nelson."

" But have you really changed?" Kweiba jokes.

" It depends, I don't let guys teach me stuff anymore, I pick what I want to learn on my own." Faye answers before sipping her coffee.

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