Chapter 5: Other Teachers

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Chapter dedicated to Benedicta and Calvina

Zara larsson- Wow

" Goodman huh?" She scoffs as the other teachers begin to leave for their classes. Ashanti relinquished in the daunting gaze-holding competition she was having with her house mistress.

" Ashanti Goodman" She corrects.

" Oh yes, the good girl gone bad. You know, fortunately your grandma and I went to the same teachers training school so she left you in my care." She relates with a fake smile and packs her binder into her pretty Hermes purse.

" If there's one detail she made clear, it's that you are very slippery and I have experienced that first hand this morning. Where were you when it was time for roll call?" She asks precisely.

Ashanti remains silent with an unreadable expression.

" Listen here London slash Argentinian slash Vegas girl, over here we have rules and obligations and if you start off flaunting them your stay here is going to be very muddy with me as your house mistress."

" I didn't know roll calls were taken in the morning." She finally speaks up, " Why should it be a huge problem?"

" If there's one thing I hate, it's wealthy pesky, naughty girls like you. So get yourself back in check else you're in for one hell of a ride with me in the house. " She whispered through gritted teeth before leaving towards the Arts Block.

Ashanti walks tentatively towards the water fountain a few yards down the durbar grounds. Thinking about such threats was a waste of time according to her.

Heather's head pops out of the side of the water fountain and she spots her.

" Aren't we both going to be in big trouble if we were found loitering about when we have some sort of class to attend?" Ashanti asks her.

" That's why I am hiding." Heather whispers, " You're here now, let's go and if anyone meets us on the way, we tell them we are going to the bathroom."

" Don't we need passes for that?"

" Nope, this is Africa, Ghana to be precise. You don't need a bathroom pass to go pee. The teacher just grants you oral permission. Come on let's go." Heather urges and they took one of the walkways on which she claimed she'd seen so many first years use.

They went down winding walkways down hills and several buildings until Ashanti finally spots a 3D sign on one building saying Bernice Ofori Assembly Hall.

They walked towards it and managed to get in through the back door. The room was packed. All thousand first years were there. They got seats at the back and listened on as all the prefects introduced themselves and their respective assignments. They taught them how to calculate their GPAs. Sarah notices them when she turns and leaves her seat to inform them that they had saved them seats.

Ashanti attempts to leave but Heather pulls her back.

" What?" Ashanti asks.

" I'm too shy to walk all the way to that place with this much students." Heather whispers.

" Trust me, barely anyone cares." Sarah assures.

" Even if they do, they'll forget your face after today. Come on." Ashanti drags her out and they walked confidently to Ciarra and the rest of the girls.

After listening to all the boring prefects, the prefect they were waiting for shows up- The Entertainment Prefect and man he was good looking. He could do just about anything, he was a singer, dancer, actor, DJ and pianist. His assistant, a girl, was as talented as he was. He went by the name everyone called him in school, JoStager and his assistant Naana Boatemaa Humphrey.

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