Chapter 62- That Man

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Celine Dion I'm Alive


Kobby arrived at Cliques. Zaron's mom's café and restaurant. Vanessa was beyond elated to see her good old friend back and so was Natalie. Suddenly it seemed as though she was fine as if she hadn't just been transported from sanitorium.

It seemed she really wanted to stay and have a conversation, which was a good sign, so Kobby left her with Vanessa but Kayla voluntarily wanted to stay behind with her mom. He met up with Zaron and they both decided to leave together along with Lejandro.

They met Samed on the way there.

The house could easily be located by the loud music emanating from it. As the majestic gates opened up for them, they stood there awestruck as they observed the beauty from the inside.

" I know right, Ashanti's house is insane!" They heard a voice call from behind them snapping them out of their reverie.

It was Carlisle.

" Man, what are you doing here? This is a party thrown by a freshman." Samed reprimands him playfully.

" Doesn't mean only freshmen were invited. Adam called me."

" Oh right, Adam," Zaron repeats with a bored expression plastered on.

" Seriously, if you want a girl like Ashanti, you'd better wash off this good boy facade, I hear she's into the funky bad ass guys." Carlisle pat's him on the back and teases immaturely.

Meanwhile, Kobby's eyes were still fixated on one sight that made his blood boil.

Ciarra was with Fede on one of the customized benches in the garden having a very intimate tête-a-tête. What the hell? This guy was fast, they hadn't even broken up yet.

" Dude, their probably just discussing some school work." Lejandro whispers to him when he locates his line of vision.

" I don't think so, they have nothing in common educationally," Kobby says begining to walk over but Lejandro pulled him back.

" Son, first of, she's mad at you so you can't just walk over and start a scene. You have to plan everything to the tiniest detail. Ciarra hates a lot of things and this is included." Samed knocks the sense into him.

He realised how right they were.

Ashanti's eyes fall on the four boys still standing in her driveway and she waves at them and walked over to them drawing Zaron in for a quick hug, though that was an act of sheer politesse, Zaron was shockingly moved.

That was when Ashanti connected the cause of the tension. Ciarra was here, and suddenly Kobby shows up. Chaos was definitely looming.

" If you want to talk to her, observe her from afar first before making your move. She kinda hates you right now." Ashanti cautions Kobby.

" Um, I got these for Russy. " Zaron waves a small white pouch at her.

" Is that Shaker?...what is he doing here?" Lejandro beams slightly looking up confused as he and Samed head towards the beer pong table. This time it was just apple juice.

" Oh really, what are those?" Ashanti quizzed as she opened it up.

" Some sort of feed my mom imports from china for the aquarium at our café. It's pretty unique." Zaron explained.

" Oh really, thanks a lot. I'm going to try this right now." She said taking his hand in hers and dragging him towards the pool.

Kobby grabs a seat next to Rufidatu who sat nonchalantly in a cane chair on the immaculately tidy foyer. She was sipping a slushie and laughing at a couple of the guys making a fool out of themselves playing beer pong.

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