Chapter 14- Light up

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Chapter dedicated to @Aleshia-Chesser-1987.

Ava Max Don't call me up.

Rebecca nods to that and Zuri'ah's eyes light up with joy, " I get to be an aunt!"

" Good for you huh, well I am the one who gets to carry her around for nine months." Rebecca reminds her, " First off, I need to get rid of this uniform in particular. It's so not comfortable."

" I could help you with that. Which of the uniforms are you most comfortable in?"

" The house dress, it's a dress so I'm okay with it." She replies.

" I've got an idea. You have two of the school uniforms right?" She asks and Rebecca replies in the affirmative, " Give me one of them and report it missing and burn the other one with your iron. I hear the school ran out of school uniforms this year because we were many."

" I like that idea, since when did you become this deceitful?" She jokes and the bell goes off signalling lunch time.

" Are you gonna go?"

" Everytime I smell groundnut soup, I get nauseous but I am obliged to go so I'm gonna go. But I usually barely eat anything."

" But that's not good for the baby." Zuri'ah panics, " Hey, I'll get you something else after dining."

" Sit here, I'll go get our lunch bags" She adds as other students got down the stairs.

" You're starting to sound like my aunt when she found out about it."

" How long till you know...?" Zuri'ah trails to avoid using the word in the midst of people.

" Two more months Zuri'ah."

" Oh really, it's so invincible. I'll be right back." She grins and ran back up the stairs.

Watching Zuri'ah run errands for her made her chuckle to herself. Zuri'ah was weak literally but carried herself like some robust girl.

One of the passerbys noticed her smiling and leaned next to the railings of the stairs right next to her. She fought the edge to roll her eyes at him.

" As anyone ever told you that you have a captivating smile?" He asks with a playful smirk.

" Where did I hear that from..." She looks up to him and feigns thoughtfulness, " Oh yeah, my parents."

" Well they were obviously right, I am Julius by the way from 1 Los Angeles." He introduced.

" Victoria Appiah, 1 San Francisco." She lies through her teeth with a sinister grin.

" Nice meeting you, maybe I'll visit you in your class one of these days." He winks at her before leaving.

Zuri'ah appears on the top of the stairs carrying two lunch bags on either shoulder.

" What was that all about?" She questions Rebecca who was now up on her feat with a nudge in the shoulder.

" I have been having a lot of them since I came here and it's starting to become a nuisance." She elaborates.

" I am not surprised, come on, let's get going." Zuri'ah beckons and takes her hand practically dragging her out.


Rebecca was the first person to leave the dining hall at the sound of the bell, Zuri'ah quickly followed her from her table at the back knowing Rebecca was definitely feeling uneasy.

" Wait for me!" Zuri'ah calls as she discards the plate off starchy rice and very watery stew into the bin and quickly rinsed her plate in the sink before jogging towards her.

De Nelson's Senior Highحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن