Chapter 37- Rhythmic clap

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To all my lovely readers. I finally swallowed up my nervousness and created a video catalog for youtube. It's a throwback on each of the main characters and some supporting characters.❤️❤️❤️🥰😍 Keep sharing. We've got this.

And I am now on Inkitt as Harper Korah. The book is De Nelson's Senior High School: Intuitions, on Inkitt.

" Ummm we need a place to sit but we don't wanna sit at your table. We want to be original. This is our first time here." Efua states.

" Oh alright, you're right. I've never seen you guys here before." Carlisle reckons before turning around and giving a rhythmic clap to which three boys got up from his table far back and approached them. They seemed to be first years or second years by their uniforms and Ciarra recognized one as Lejandro.

" Hey baby Sis." He greets Ciarra with a kiss on the cheek drawing the attention of most onlookers.

Then he turned to Heather and glared at her, " Traitor." He mutters under his breath.

" Oh come on, I'm sorry..." Heather apologizes with a grin.

" Wow, did I miss something?" Ashanti looks between them and asks.

" Dude, we called you here for a job so quit flirting." Ladi warns, " This is Lejandro, Joker and Bright, they'll be getting you a table and seats from the store room and your spot is going to be permanent, I'll personally make sure it does. Come on, you'll love the space at the entrance. You'll get to see everything from up here."

He convinces them to the spot and he was right.

Lejandro and the boys quickly leave for the store room.

" We're gonna have a little table warming here." Moro grins, " Nigel, tell the others."

" What happened to keeping everything on the low?" Veronica asks.

" Trust me, you wouldn't wanna be sitting here getting awkward stares from members of other tables. So we're gonna be here with you today. Tomorrow, you'll be more comfortable and on your own." Carlisle insists to Ciarra.

" Look who's here." Ladi says in a singsong way and gave Ciarra a suggestive wink. She turned and met Fede's amazing jet black eyes as he approached them with his friends.

" Hey." He grins in a shy tone now that he knew she wasn't available.

She was starting to feel flushed everytime he was around which was very weird to her.

" How is he doing?"

" Better actually." She states as she looks around for Ramses. She noticed she was gone, she probably slipped away when the boys got there. She turned and noticed she was sitting on the lawn far off under the tree reading her book whiles sucking on the straw of a juice box.

Why did she like to isolate herself that much?

" Wait, something is wrong with Kobby?" Veronica whispers with concern in her expression.

" It's just stress." Ciarra convinces her.

Adam and Sly also came over, making it even more awkward for the girls who were wondering if speaking to Sylvester or acknowledging him was a way of betraying Ivy.

" Hey everyone." Sly greeted with uncertainty as Lejandro brought a collapsible table which he began to unfold. The other boys brought ten seats, five being carried by each.

They went for extras since the table was long enough.

" Everything for the ladies is on Magnets & Magma for today." Ladi announces, " Because I just met a very charming girl."

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