Chapter 58- Jaeden Daniels

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The house...

Final Song.

Faye looks around at the empty field and bleachers that had been extremely noisy an hour ago. She was already done with her chores and needed some time to get some air from the suffocating atmosphere of Manhattan.

It felt good sitting in the breezy space with no one to interfere with her thoughts. She knew her friends thought she was shallow but her Dad always reminded her she was more than that, she was probably more intuitive than all of them combined. But if so, why were most of her decisions all over the place lately.

Is it that her head wasn't screwed on as tight as it used to be when she was younger or was she losing her moral compass. And then there was the issue about her mother. She had come out of her lung transplant  the previous day and was recovering, but why was she feeling so uncertain about everything. Was she such a mean and terrible child to not want her mother to go through that procedure, or was she just petrified she would lose her in the process. Probably the latter.

She was glad that at least now she'd have a working motherly figure after ten years. An involuntary tear slipped out of her left eye as she remembered the first time of seeing her mother unconscious. She was only five then and it was so devastating and yet amazing how she was able to get help for her mother.

" Are you crying?" A familiar deep voice asks next to her and she almost jumped out of her body.

Ladi was sitting right next to her and she hadn't even noticed, she was still processing the shock and therefore couldn't voice out her questions. Probably her guilty conscience also made it very worse.

" It's okay you look like you've seen a ghost. What are you thinking about, you haven't blinked since I got here so I decided to sit and wait for you to notice me but it seemed unending." He says in his usual jovial and composed tone.

He was smartly dressed in his uniform and it really looked like he just stepped out of a class though he had his backpack strapped on with a bottle of water on the side. 

" Did you get to watch the game?" He asked with a smile and she attempts to say something but it gets stuck in her throat and she just looks away.

" Come on Faye talk to me. It's extremely unnerving to watch you remain so silent." He pleads, hopping over the seats beneath them and taking a seat in the seat facing her.

" Where have you been?" That was the first question Faye asked and she immediately felt so hypocritical.

" I'm sorry, I really wanted to get in touch with you but I felt bad that you'd see how I felt about what happened so I wanted to wait."

" How do you feel about what happened?"

" Honestly I felt betrayed." He states and Faye sighs, " But...I knew it could have easily been me and I would have really wanted you to understand, so I had to let it go."

" I don't want you to feel obliged to do that." Faye tells him.

" And I don't also want you to think I'd purposely do the same thing so you'd be obliged to forgive me. Fayanna when I told you I liked you, I meant it. I like you and everything about you but we both have some very addictive traits that we're both working on, so who am I to judge?"

" Then why am I feeling so terrible about this?" She sniffs back a tear and he reached out for her hand.

" Because like me too. A lot more than you think, that's why it hurts." He smiles at her and it hit her like a bus. Wait...was she in love with him? That's absurd and she laughed at her foolishness.

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