Chapter 5: Shadows

Start from the beginning

"You're from Sinnoh, right?" I nodded, only using that region because it's where father was born and where Flora lived "Unova has a reputation for being haunted. It can be scary at first, but they're pretty harmless" haunted. Is that what Blade meant about the shadows? Is that what I'm feeling?

"Father..." I whispered to myself "I wonder if there are a lot out there" I said to the scientist.

"I don't know how many there are, but it may be for the amount of people and Pokémon that have died, and their souls aren't where they're meant to be" shadows and souls are different. Though a soul is what makes a person live, a shadow is the background darkness of one's body. It cannot be wandering around like this.

"Thank you very much" I heard Cheren said "because of you, I can become a Pokémon trainer, exactly as I always wished"

"This is the opportunity of a lifetime! I won't waste it!" Blade said, holding something in his hands. Juniper nodded and looked at me walking back to them.

"Will you be going on a journey with them?" I nodded, knowing Cheren was against it from the beginning "if only I knew you were. I would have prepared you with everyone"

"No worries. I have another reason for this journey. It is not related to what everyone else is doing, but I appreciate that you thought of me just now" I smiled at her and everyone "I look forward to-" something flew right pass my face, making me freeze and look back at something shattering against the wall. I touched my cheek dripping something wet and saw blood... Everyone panicked and moved me away from the glass on the floor.

"Are you okay?!" Blade asked, holding me while I stared at the glass in shock.

"Where did that come from?!" Bianca gasped. Juniper hurried to look around where the flying object came from to see if something or someone threw it at me. Everyone started investigating what just happened while I felt like the room was filling up with heavy energy.

"Wing...?" Blade questioned me. I dug in my bag to grab the keystone father gave me and was immediately thrown off my feet and to the floor "Wing!" Black shadows emerged from the floors and grabbed hold of my body. I squirmed and tried getting them off me.

"Get off!" I glared, moving them away, but more kept coming back "Get off!" Everyone was looking at me confused and concerned, like they couldn't see what was happening.

In no time, they finally let go of me, but moved away to form a larger shadow everyone looked up at. It had the shape of a creature I didn't recognize with four legs. I was out of breath from moving around and grasped the keystone made for this moment. This is what father wanted me to do!

While the shadow was slapping things around and making things fly, hurting others in the progress with supplies making them seek shelter, Blade stayed by my side to block anything from hitting me while I finally lifted the stone and tried getting back on my feet to face it, but was knocked off and made the keystone move out my reach.

"No!" I gasped and looked at the situation. If I don't hurry, everyone is going to get hurt!

"Child..." Giratina's voice spoke. Father! "You must find light" light? "Shadows are created by light that shines people's hearts. These shadows are without their light. You'll need light to bring them down" I gulped and nodded.

"Litwick!" I shouted. Litwick came out of her hiding spot and came to assist me "Brighten your flame!" Litwick cheered and made her flame grow, making the shadow shrink and stop making a mess. While it was small, I hurried to grab the keystone and held it up to the shadow, watching it scream and get sucked into the stone. Finally.

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