My words are filled with concern, "Caleb what's wrong?"

He keeps his hand on my face, but he drops his gaze to his feet for a moment gathering his next words. When he looks back up his expression is one of anger or frustration and I am confused again. "I don't want to let leave you right now, I feel if I do you're going to be snatched from right under me, like you're going to disappear, and I'll never see you again." He explains, tucking my hair be hind my ear.

I smile sympathetically at him, "Caleb, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not going anywhere. Not without you." I was the hardest lie I'd ever told him, so how did come out so easily.

"Promise?" He asks.

"Yes." No.

He steps towards me bending his head down as mine tilts up, our lips meet in a delicate kiss. "Goodnight Lana." He whispers, "Stay safe."

"Goodnight Caleb," I replied matching his volume, "Stay strong."

I stayed on the porch until he had pulled out of the driveway. I stepped inside and closed the door leaning against it as I ran my hand through my hair, this was going to be a disaster.

"Everything okay honey?" I hear my mom ask and it's only then that I notice both my parents at the foot of the stairs staring at me with concern.

I straighten myself up, "Uh, yeah. Everything is fine." Man, I'm becoming to good at this lying thing. "I'm just going to head to my room now, finish my homework, then hit the hay." I tell them as I slip by them up the stairs. Once in my room I let my hair out of it's messy bun to relieve the tension that now seems to be building up in my head. I sat down at my desk and pulled out my math book to try and solve some problems to no avail. I wasn't until I heard my parents head to bed that I finally gave up.

But I had more plans for tonight. I put on warm leggings, along with a thick sweater before opening my door a crack. All the lights were off, and I could hear my father snoring, so I took the risk that everyone is asleep and slipped out of my room. I put my boots on along with a thick coat and hat before turning the handle to the front door, praying it wouldn't creak. I was relieved to be able to close the door behind me silently as well. The night air was cold on my cheeks, there were a few clouds in the sky but still allowed the crescent moon and the stars light my way.

I reached the path to the nearest forest and made my way towards the trees. The snow crunched under my boots as I veered off the path towards the pack boarder that didn't connect with Red River's. I was almost a half an hour before I reached the spot I wanted. The clearing where Malachi last made an appearance.

"Malachi! I know you are watching." I shouted, then added in a quieter voice, "At least I hope you are." I probably looked like a complete idiot. "Give me one week, in one week I'll be ready to come with you. To come with you to Maiken pack." I state, I am sure if it hadn't been winter the crickets would have been chirping in the silence that followed. "This is stupid." I mumble to myself. I wait several minutes for anyone to show themselves, to let me know that even if it wasn't Malachi watching that he would somehow get my message. After no indication what so ever that someone had heard me I trudged back through the snow.

I was almost out of the forest when I heard the crunching of snow from several different sets of feet that I paused and slipped behind a tree. Just in time too as a patrol ran by in their wolf forms. I breathed out a sign of relief, the last thing I needed was for the Alpha or even Mark to find me sneaking around. Caleb would for sure hear about it and become suspicious. Once I knew the patrol passed I backed out from the tree right into another tree. I let out of squeal of surprise as I almost tripped over the roots, except the tree caught me as I fell, and I squealed again.

"Lana?" I look up right at Keane's face.

"Keane! What are you doing out here?" I exclaim.

He smirks, "I could ask you the same thing." He counters setting me back upright.

"I couldn't sleep. Just the thoughts of Maiken pack make me toss and turn." I replied half honestly.

"Lana, you don't have to worry. I've only known you a short time and I can already see how many people care for you. Maiken pack would have to go through not one but two armies to get to you. Have a little faith in Caleb and your pack, they're working on what they can do to fix all of this." He reassures me, I can only nod refusing to give anymore away especially to him.

I find myself spending as much time as possible with friends and family with the last week I am here, who knows if I will be allowed to ever return. Homework is put on the back burner, what would it matter once I am in Maiken pack anyways? Tuesday has Caleb dropping me by my house to grab my ice skates before we head over to his place to grab his own. After the hockey game this passed weekend the guys had organized a friendly match between the packs at the local pond.

When we reach the natural ice rink there was a group of people already there clearing the recent snow fall off the ice. Caleb brushes some snow off an old fallen tree and allows me to sit before helping me with my laces then doing his own.

"I'll have to warn you I took figure skating lessons when I was younger. I'm going to outskate all your asses." I brag with a small.

"Really?" He replies surprised at my confession, I smirk before stepping onto the ice.

I glide quickly away from him as I hear his blades scrape the ice in pursuit. I barely make it halfway across the pond before I start losing my balance arms and legs flailing, it doesn't take much for me to land on my ass.

Caleb expertly skates up to me, "Out skate our asses eh?" He comments with a knowing smile as soon as he sees I'm okay.

"You miss heard me," I deny "I said I'm going to fall on my ass. After my third lesson my skating coach told me to keep my feet on solid ground and stick to piano lessons." I'm still laying flat on my back looking up at his handsome features. He laughs at me but reaches a hand down to help me up which I graciously take. He supports me until I find my feet as best as I can.

A/N: Well....well....well...I guess it's been a while since I posted and I apologize. The real world is crazy and has taken up much of my time these past 4, almost 5 years! What happened during all this time, well...I completed college, got Registered as a Vet Tech,  moved back to my home town, started work right out of school, got a puppy, lost my job after 2 years, got said job back,  2 years later moved back to the city where I went to college and got a new job for 2 months then this pandemic happened, started a new job part time and now here we are! I don't want to make any promises on my next update (I am hoping posting this chapter will help motivate me), but I do have plans for this story and plans for a sequel! Wish me luck!

I completed college, got Registered as a Vet Tech,  moved back to my home town, started work right out of school, got a puppy, lost my job after 2 years, got said job back,  2 years later moved back to the city where I went to college and got a ne...

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