Mikoto: Hey uh Kuroko.
Kuroko: What is it Sissy?
Mikoto: It's our penalty game right?
Kuroko: Yeah.
Mikoto: Look at this offer.
Kuroko: (Looks disappointed at Mikoto) Again Sissy, you have many Gekota stuffs in our room.
Mikoto: It's penalty game, and you can do whatever I want! So don't complain! (anger tone)
Kuroko: (Reads the poster) YES! (grabs Mikoto's hand)
Mikoto: So you finally agreed with this.
Kuroko: Let's sign our couple's contract Sissy. This is the start of our relationship. (Yandere look) I hope there's a marriage contract to sign here Hehehe.
Mikoto: That's way to fast for that kind of relationship.

When they get inside the phone accessories store, the two of them sign a couple's contract.

Sales Lady: Do you have your picture together?
Mikoto: Well...(looks embarrassed)
Sales Lady: That's the proof that you two really a couple.
Mikoto: Wait! Together?! (still embarrassed)

The two of them go outside the store then they take shots together. Mikoto let Kuroko kiss her cheek in the shots they were taken. Then Mikoto claim her free Gekota hoodie.

Mikoto: Whoo hoo! GEKOTA! GEKOTA! GEKOTA! (As she shouts with her happiness)
Kuroko: This is the best penalty from her. I thought she will punish me after our team looses to them. (mumbles to herself)
Mikoto: Kuroko, Uh (smiles cheerfully) Thank you for this. (She kisses Kuroko's cheek)
Kuroko: (blushes) You're welcome Sissy. Anything for you. (This is the first time Sissy kisses my cheek. Alright Kuroko, you finally manage to capture her heart)
Mikoto: Enough with your silly thoughts. (grabs Kuroko's arm). Come on, let's meet Wendy and Chelia. (holds Kuroko's hand, intertwined)
Kuroko: (blushes) Yeah!..........Sissy?Is that mean that we're really girlfriends? (cheerful tone)
Mikoto: Just for today silly. (giggles)
Kuroko: (Smiles happily) (Lean close to Mikoto then kisses Mikoto's lips for a sec, just a smack kiss)
Mikoto: (Blushes in deep red) Hey! Why did you do that?!
Kuroko: Come on Sissy, we're girlfriends right now.
Mikoto: (Sighs) Fine, whatever. (looks annoyed)

Mikoto picks her phone then she dial Wendy's number. Then Wendy picks her phone.

On the Phone.

Wendy: Hello Big sister.
Mikoto: Hey Wendy, where are you two?
Wendy: We're here at the Seventhmist, doing some window shopping.
Mikoto: Alright we will be there.

Mikoto hangs up her phone call with Wendy then Kuroko teleports to Wendy and Chelia's location. The four girls do their window shopping then they heard a huge explosion outside the mall.

Mikoto: Hey! What was that?
Wendy: It looks like demons from those rocks.
Kuroko: Maybe Zeref created those demons.
Chelia: They are attacking the city.
Mikoto: Let's move now guys! (serious tone)

Mikoto and Wendy went outside the mall. Then Kuroko and Chelia manage the people to escape. Kuroko calls Konori and Uiharu to inform the incident happening in the city. After they manage the people inside the mall, they went outside to help Mikoto and Wendy to fight those demons.

Mikoto: They are really demons from hell. They are actually releases beams of fire.
Wendy: Alright! I'll transform myself into Dragon Force.

Wendy and Chelia: (jumps) Sky Sisters Attack! Leading Sky Arrow! and Trailing Sky Arrow!

The demons crushed like ashes then they attack another batch of demons.

Wendy: Sky Dragon Wing Attack!
Chelia: And Sky God Boreas!

The other demons blow away. Mikoto uses her railgun to finnish the remaining demons then Wendy uses Magic Enchantment to attach Chelia and her magic power to Kuroko's human size darts to help Mikoto in defeating the remaining demons. Then they finally defeat the demons.

Mikoto: Wow! That's great!
Kuroko: Thanks for lending me your powers, Sky Sisters.
Wendy and Chelia: (smiles at Kuroko)

Konori and Uiharu came to the scene.

Konori: Good job girls! Now, we have to search who's responsible for this.
Mikoto: (Puzzeling) Come to think of it, during the 2nd day of the Ability Games Competition, there's someone cast a poison spell in the air. And now there are demon attacks.
Kuroko: Is this all works from Zeref?
Mikoto: Yes. This is all about demon, which means he's the one behind all of this.
Konori: If that's the case, all four of you incharge in protecting the city, since you're mages. Then Uiharu and I will be your support when you need back ups.
Mikoto, Kuroko, Wendy and Chelia: Right!



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