Letter to my old self (different is okay)

15 1 2

They're passing by
Look down
Don't make eye contact
They're paying attention
Be quiet
Don't let them hear you
They want to know you
Be still
Don't let them near you
Even though you need them near you
To see you, to care for you
You don't at the same time
You feel like no one understands
Like you're screaming at the top of your lungs
But all they hear is silence
Loud silence
Loud because you can hear it
For the longest time you wanted to fit in
But you realized soon that you weren't made for that
You weren't made to be liked
To be interesting
And that's okay
That's okay that they think you're boring
That's okay that you're on your own
But what's not okay is letting them define you
What's not okay is being who they want you to be
Instead of who you were made to be
What's not okay Is changing
Changing who you are for people who'll never
You weren't made to fit in
You were made different
And that... that's okay
different is okay

Sept 8th 2020 6:12 pm

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