I don't want to go home

14 1 0

I have so many repressed emotions
I want to let them out
But nobody's cares
I feel lonely day by day
I'm surrounded by so many
So why do i feel this way

The way she treats me
So unfair
But its sad
Because everyones treating me the same
I just want to get away
I don't want to be here anymore
My entire life I've asked myself
Why am i here
I feel like if I disappeared
In the next five seconds
No one would even notice
And if they noticed
They probably wouldn't care

I feel like I'm a mistake
Everything about me is a mistake
I cant take this anymore
There's no one to talk to
I just want to go home
Please take me home
Cause I don't want to take myself home—-
I would never do that.

I still feel as though there is something out there for me
Something deeper
I just don't know it yet
Something keeps telling me
Just hold on
You're not going to feel like this forever

But I don't want to turn into her
The way she screams at me
People are starting to scream at me the same way
Now i have nobody
No one to talk to
No one who cares
But i still stay believing
Believing that everything will turn out fine
I hope it turns out fine
Because I don't want to go home
I'm not ready to go home
Just not yet.....

Wed, November 27, 2019. 1:03 am.....

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