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Why? why does she listen to everyone's voice except hers
Why? why does does she feel like her voice isn't heard
Why? why does she fade away
Why? why does no one care
Why? why can't she be herself
Why? why doesn't she feel safe
Why? why does no one understand her
Why? why does she feel broken
Why? why is she so lonely
Why? why is she so different
When? when will this end
How? how could this end
This? this will never end
There's none, none like her
Because she.... she's not of this world.
And that's not a good thing

Why? why does she feel like this
Feel like she has to fix everyone else and everything else
But why, why can't she fix herself
She's hurting, hurting cause she knows no one can fix her
Can't give a time of day to her self
Can't let her mind belong to herself
Can't even let herself be herself
She's Worthless!
They say Give yourself a break, relax, breathe
All those words never mean anything
They don't understand that this is something deeper
She is something deeper
Something deeper that she can't explain
Something deeper that can't be explained
What else can she say
There's nothing left to say........

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