I'm Dreaming and I'm Hoping

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I'm dreaming and I'm hoping
For a day when everything will be fine
For a day when I'll look in the mirror and feel fine
For a day when I won't feel alone, when I won't feel like I don't belong here
I'm dreaming and I'm hoping, I'm dreaming and I'm hoping

I'm dreaming and I'm hoping.
For a day where I'll be satisfied, because I am never satisfied.
Not with the way I look, or speak, or act
I always feel like there's something wrong [with me]

Why am I like this

Why can't I just be like everybody else.

When will I begin to love myself?
I'm dreaming and I'm hoping, I'm dreaming and I'm hoping.

I'm dreaming and I'm hoping
That one day I will look in the mirror
and be happy with what I see.
I'm dreaming and I'm hoping, I'm dreaming and I'm hoping.

November 3rd 2019, 11:24 pm

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