chapter twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

"So, is he your boyfriend?" She whispered, glancing at Louis.

I glanced at him too. "Yeah. . Are you okay with that?"

I looked back at her and she was smiling warmly, nodding. "He's a sweet boy, I like him." She patted his leg gently then removed her hand.

"I'm glad. He helps me sleep, you know?"

She nodded gently. "I do. You feel safe with him."

I was now giving her a warm smile. "Yeah." Our voices were low and quiet, so much so that you could only hear the fall wind blowing outside of the cracked open window.

Louis's eyes then blinked open, locking with mine. He smiled a little then turned his face to my mum. "Oh, hello Anne."

She smiled. "Dinner is downstairs when you two want it." She pet his leg once more before getting up and heading out.

When the door shut, Louis and I looked back at each other. "How long was I out?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Just a while, you deserved it, wore yourself out outside." He smiled brightly at me, releasing my arm from his grip and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.

I smiled when his nose trailed up my lengthy curls, breathing in my scent. I felt his lips press against my head gently, leading down to the back of my ear before his nose was nuzzling there too.

"You happy?" I chuckled against his shoulder, placing a kiss there.

"Very," his voice was still husky. He brought his hand up to the back of my head and thread his fingers through my curls, gripping onto them lightly.

"Why's that?" I placed a kiss to his neck while he nudged his nose into my hair.

"Haven't heard from my dad and I'm with you." He hummed against my head.

Fuck, I totally forgot about the trial. Usually he'd have to go but the judge has a restraining order from Louis. I don't really know why either. It couldn't have been that bad.

"Don't believe me? Yeah?! Okay, alright." Louis jumped over the desk and stormed up to him.

The judge's eyes went wide as Louis walked around the desks, judge banging his mallet on the wooden table repeatedly.

Louis smirked wildly, licking the inside of his cheek with flames in his eyes as his fist collided with the judges face, knocking him out of his chair; the room gasped as they stood.

That's my baby, my princess.

I hummed. "Want to go eat now?" He placed one last kiss to my temple before pulling off and sitting up. I followed his action and stood off the bed, watching him nod and stretch, fingers lightly gripping his jumper sleeves.

Again, I couldn't help it and wrapped my arms around his waist. He smiled as I slid him to me, gripping his thighs to hoist his legs around me. His smile stayed, arms draping around my neck, kissing into my mouth. I sighed at the feeling, but pulled back to admire his face.

I noticed his beanie falling off so I brought one hand off of his thigh to readjust it, the material falling over his eyes temporarily making him look like a toddler when he pouted. I laughed softly at him and leaned in, smooshing my lips to his cheek to pull back again and set him down.

He pushed his beanie back and I left my arm around his waist as I guided us out the room and downstairs. My mum seemed to be gone, and Gemma was off to spend fall break at her friend's flat. Louis and I had the house to ourselves.

I opened the fridge, stepping away from Louis who sat at the breakfast counter. I got out the pasta, warming it up, placing it in bowls and giving it to the two of us. When we both sat down and began eating, we sort of just sat in comfortable silence, scrolling on our phones.

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