Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Why Men Deserve Less Sis...

Bisi was really handsome, Ehi thought as she got into his car. She looked at his side view as he navigated the car through the Gbagada expressway.

Was that why Iyoma was in love with him, was that why she was reluctant to let him go?

'Why are you looking at me like that?' Bisi asked with a nervous laugh.

Ehi narrowed her eyes at him 'Like what?' She asked not removing her gaze from his face.

Bisi laughed 'I don't you're trying to figure something out. Women don't usually look at me like that you know, they look at me like I'm good enough to eat not like they're trying to decipher something complicated' Bisi said.

Ehi rolled her eyes 'I'm not like other women, I'm sure you know that already. Where are we going?' Ehi asked taking her eyes off him. She was starting to get irritated, she wondered how Iyoma could stand this guy.


'I don't know, you asked me to meet you here. You call the shots boss, I'm just your Uber guy' Bisi said and immediately Ehi thought of Angel.
God, what she had said to him was horrible. Angel didn't deserve that at all, she had to apologize to him.

'Bisi, stop the car' Ehi said with a sigh. 'What?' Bisi looked at her confused.

'I need to get down, I need to go home. Stop the car' Ehi repeated.

'Why, did I say something wrong?' Bisi asked.

Ehi rubbed her forehead tiredly. 'This is all wrong isn't it?' Ehi looked out of the window as Bisi parked.

'What?' Bisi asked confused.

'Me meeting up with you. I only agreed to see you because I was mad at Iyoma. She said a lot of hurtful things to me and I was pissed. I shouldn't be here' Ehi said.

Bisi sighed 'What did she say to you?' he asked.

Ehi shook her head 'It doesn't matter, she only said those things because she's hurt. I love Iyoma, she's not just my best friend Bisi. She's a sister to me, she's family. It's bad enough that I slept with you and I don't know how to tell her that it was mistake but what we are doing right now is wrong. I can't be texting you or meeting up with you like this, you shouldn't be doing the same too. Bisi you broke up with my friend yesterday and today you're here with me why?' Ehi asked.

Bisi groaned' I just want to talk to you Ehi, I'm not trying to get into your pants I swear. That night we had a connection...' Bisi said.

'That night, you were out with another girl. I was supposed to meet up with someone else...' Ehi was saying when Bisi cut her off.

'But he didn't show up and you ruined my date' he said coldly.

'I don't even remember everything we talked about, I was drunk. And when we had sex, I wasn't thinking about you. I was thinking about him......whatever connection you think we had is just an illusion' Ehi said.

'I haven't ever felt this way about anybody Ehi, I can't stop thinking about you' Bisi said.

'You were with Iyoma for four years and you just kicked her to the curb like she meant nothing to you. How am I supposed to take you seriously? Iyoma is at home hurting and you're trying to make a move on me. Men are scum' Ehi sneered.

Bisi was just like her ex, men like that....they make promises, ruin you for other men, shatter your heart to pieces and if that's not bad enough, they leave you but they leave you with stupid memories of the good times you had together and your stupid senseless heart won't stop wanting them.

'I just want to be friends Ehi, nothing more I swear' Bisi said.

'I'd like you to stay away from Iyoma and I. Iyoma deserves better, she will heal eventually but she needs to do so without you in the picture' Ehi said.

Bisi shook his head 'Why are you making it seem like I'm the monster here? Iyoma lied to you constantly about me, she also lied to me about you. She's the bad person here' Bisi said.

Ehi stared at him in disbelief 'That girl  is crazy in love with you, she spent her every penny and time trying to make the relationship work but you never waste any time badmouthing her' Ehi hissed.

Bisi glared at her 'I never loved Iyoma, she knew that. I never said it once, she kept hoping and hoping. She set herself up for heartbreak,we were done before the relationship ended. I wrote her a cheque yesterday, a refund for every dime she spent on me' Bisi yelled.

'What?' that caught Ehi off guard because she hadn't know about the cheque.

Bisi laughed humorlessly 'I bet she won't tell you about it because she's selfish. I know for a fact that she would go shopping and waste that money on irrelevant things. That's the kind of friend you have, she's not smart at all' Bisi said.

'Iyoma isn't like that, don't text me or call me. Just stay away from me Bisi. There's some else that I care for...'

He who must not be named...

Bisi took in a deep breath 'Ehi, we had awesome sex twice that night' he said.

Ehi frowned  'It was just sex Bisi and we were under the influence of alcohol. Do you think I'd have sex with you if I wasn't drunk? I don't even like you Bisi'

He smiled 'But you're here....with me' he moved closer to her but she inched back.

'I'm here because of Iyoma. I'm only texted you because I needed to make sure you wouldn't tell her what we did. It was a mistake Bisi, can we forget about it?'

Bisi smirked 'What's the worst that will happen if I tell her Ehi?' He asked.

Ehi hissed 'I don't want to know what will happen Bisi, just don't tell her please'

Bisi chuckled 'Alright scaredy kitty. I won't tell her. Only on one condition' he said.

Ehi narrowed her eyes at him 'I'm not going to sleep with you again, don't get any ideas' She hissed at him.

Bisi laughed 'We shall see' he said. 'Well if we're done with this conversation, you can go. I'll be in touch soon sweetheart' He winked.

Ehi glared at him and if looks could kill, He'd have died a thousand death within a minute.

'Whatever we had, ends here. Don't call me, don't text me. I'm done Bisi' Ehi said.

'I'm not the bad guy Ehi, I care about you. I just want us to be friends, we talked about a lot that night. It wasn't just the sex for me' he said.

'I don't want to be friends with you damn it!' Ehi yelled. She was mad at him and he was really pushing it.

What the hell was his problem, he just broke up with Iyoma and now he wanted them to be friends. Where the hell did that happen?

'Alright, what if you worked for me?' Bisi asked.

Ehi decided it was time to leave, she was already really irritated byhis persistence. 'Why would I work for you? I already have a job?'

'You told me your boss was harassing you that night, you shouldn't work for him anymore. Work for me, I'll pay you twice the amount he pays you' Bisi reached out to touch her but she flinched.

'Bisi, I'd rather fuck my boss than work for you. I'm tired of listening to your shit, leave me alone okay?' Ehi said right before she got out of car.

Bisi laughed, he knew Ehi's type. They loved playing hard to get, the good thing was that he loved to chase.

He was going to get Ehi and he knew just how to go about it.

How Love WorksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora