The Madness Within

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The Madness Within


There was another woman in Bisi's house.
There was another woman in Bisi's house!

Iyoma felt anger overwhelming her insides as she eyed the inquisitive chubby face staring right back at her.

'Hello, who are you and how may I help you?' the lady asked with a hesitant smile when she saw Iyoma's angry expression.

'Where is Bisi?' Iyoma asked glaring hard at the lady at the door. So, Bisi had the audacity to bring in another woman while she was away? Iyoma seethed.

'Uh.....he's not home. He actually stepped out to get some drinks while I was  setting up the food in the kitchen' The lady informed and watched Iyoma curiously. She could see Iyoma was upset but she didn't understand why.

'I while the cat was away. The mouse came out to play. What the hell are you doing in my house?' Iyoma yelled at the confused lady.

'Your house? Please I think you're mistaken....' she was saying when Iyoma shoved her roughly.

The other lady was on the big side but Iyoma had caught her off guard and she wasn't in the mood for a fight, so she stepped out of the way to avoid another shove.

'Ma''am please calm down, I have no idea who you are and what you're talking about?' the lady said throwing her hands up in the air.

'Quite frankly, I don't know you and I don't even want to know you. But listen to me and listen to me good, if you dare show your ugly, stupid, fat face in my husband's house again for any reason, for any reason at all fat bitch, I will hit you so hard, you will lose the entire three hundred pounds on you! I swear to God, I will ruin you. Prostitute, whore, If I come out and see you still standing in my compound, I will deal with you!' Iyoma yelled maniacally.

The lady looked at her shocked and hurt, Bisi hadn't mentioned he was married and even if he was, it wasn't her business. She was here to deliver the packs of food he'd ordered. She'd been looking for food bowls to transfer the packed food into when she heard the door bell.

Bisi was an old friend and a client, he'd asked her to put the food away in the fridge ten minutes ago before he went out to get drinks. When she heard the doorbell, she'd assumed it was his neighbor or friend checking up on him and had decided to answer the door.

Bisi had never mentioned a wife, so who then was this crazy woman who was screaming about? She took her phone out of her pocket the minute the crazy woman went into the house and slammed the door shut. She had to call Bisi to come home quickly before things got out of hand.

Iyoma went to the kitchen angrily and saw the variety of food in takeaway packs lined up on the kitchen counter, she glared at the packs of food angrily and proceeded to put them all in a large kitchen bowl.

Once she'd gathered them together, she took the bowl packed with the food out of  the house where she still met miss chubby cheeks reporting to Bisi on the phone.

'Oh you're still here huh? Pray tell, did you plan to snatch my husband from me by bringing him food? Does Bisi look like he is starving?' Iyoma asked staring at her hatefully.

'Look you need to calm down, I honestly don't know why you're overreacting and making a fuss over something so...' the lady was saying when Iyoma interrupted.

'Oh, I'm overreacting huh?!' Iyoma asked and flung the bowl towards the lady, miss chubby face jumped, narrowly missing the hit.

The lady looked horrified at the packs of food littered every and the mess Iyoma  had created.

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