The Angel and The Demon

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The Angel and The Demon


Fortunately for Iyoma, Bisi was at home when she got to his house. He hadn't been expecting her so he was surprised and pissed at the same time when he opened the door.

'Iyoma what are you doing here, haven't I always told you to call before you come here?' Bisi asked walking back into his house.

Iyoma sighed 'Bisi I'm really sorry, I've been calling you and you've not been answering my call. What did you expect me to do?' Iyoma said as she entered the house.

She set the lunch pack on the dining table and followed him into the bedroom. The room was in disarray, clothes on the floor, on the bed, hanging from different places. She smiled at that and went closer to him. It meant that no other woman had been here to clean up the place.

'Didn't you miss me?' Iyoma asked. Bisi hissed and sat on the bed still pissed at her visit.

'I came bearing gifts, have you had breakfast yet?' she asked sitting beside him and rubbish his shoulders.

'Iyoma. I told you that I needed some time, I need some space. Girl, I've been saying this for the past one year now, this isn't working out anymore' Bisi said.

'How isn't it working out, I'm doing my best for us. I'm here every day except when you don't want me, I'm not working because I always want to be available for you. I cook, I clean, I do everything for you. What am I not doing right?' Iyoma asked starting to tear up.

'Iyoma that's the problem, you're too available. For the past four years I've been singing the same song, get a job. I don't mind what you do, get a job for yourself and forget about taking care of me. I'm not your responsibility!' Bisi yelled.

'I don't mind, I want to take care of you baby. I want to do everything for you, I want to be available. I don't mind Bisi'  Iyoma said.

'Why? Iyoma what happens to your independence then? Your friend Ehi calls me almost every day and rains curses on me. When did I ever tell you not to take a job, Ehi would always call me and blame me for your unemployment.....I don't understand' Bisi frowned.

'Ignore Ehi, she's crazy. I'll tell her not to call you anymore, I don't even know what her problem is anymore. Bisi you need me, look at this house. See how untidy it is, I'm sure there's no food in the kitchen and you've been ordering food and eating junks since our fight' Iyoma said tightening her hold on him.

Bisi pulled away and got up from the bed 'I don't want you to clean up after me, I hire a cleaning service for the job. I'm fine with ordering food from my favorite restaurant. I can do my own laundry, there's a washing machine. I just want you to get a job. I thought you'd use the few days we've been apart to work on your CV and apply for a job. Yesterday, my friend told me recently that they need someone to occupy the receptionist position at their firm. You can apply there, start small till you get your dream job' Bisi suggested.

Iyoma frowned 'A receptionist job is beneath me please... Bisi forget all these talk. I'll get a job when I'm ready, stop pressuring me. Besides I'm taking care of myself and my house just fine' Iyoma said.

Bisi glared at her 'Okay how about I help you, you've done a lot for me and I appreciate. I'd loan you some money to start up a business. Since you're such a good cook, you can go into the food business. I'll set up a website for you, you can operate online first. A catering service...what do you think?' Bisi asked.

Iyoma rolled her eyes and got up from the bed. 'I think it's time for me to clean up this house and do the laundry. After that, I'll fix you breakfast. I made some juice for you, do you want some toast and eggs? I brought food for lunch and I'll make dinner before I go' Iyoma said rolling up her sleeves.

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