Fairytales Murdered By Reality

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Fairytales Murdered by Reality

Bisi was two hours late, not that it ever mattered. She'd texted him whilst in the cab that she was on her way to Kohinoor. He'd replied that it was still early and he'd meet her there at five o'clock and she'd texted back that she'd wait.

Few minutes after five when there was no sign of him, she'd texted him again but he didn't reply. She kept on texting till he sent a curt reply that he was on his way.

Bisi eventually arrived a few minutes after seven. She wondered why he'd taken so much time to get here when he didn't stay far away from the restaurant. But that wasn't the only thing that was turning the wheels in her mind, Bisi had walked in with another lady and they were walking towards her. Iyoma felt a sharp pain in her chest, he'd kept her here for hours and now he'd brought another lady with him.

Why? She asked herself as the duo neared her. When they stopped in front of her, she realized that Bisi had brought that girl she'd almost fought with at the bar some weeks back to their date.

Her countenance changed immediately, she wasn't even angry because at this point she was too tired to get mad and she didn't want to upset Bisi now that he'd finally decided to see her.

'Hello' She said as Bisi sat down, Bisi nodded in response and turned to the other woman. She leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips 'I'm going to mingle, when I get back make sure you're done with whatever this is' she said. 'Make sure you're back in ten minutes then' Bisi smiled. The woman smirked and eyed Iyoma with disgust before walking away.

Iyoma felt her heart sink as she realized that this wasn't a date, that Bisi didn't intend to spend time with her. She'd waited for hours and he was only giving her ten minutes of his time.

She finally found her voice and asked him the question that had been on her lips since she saw the other girl
'So you're with her now?' her voice was cool and her face was blank but only because she was so concentrated on controlling all the emotions she was feeling.

'Don't start Iyoma. That's none of your business and that's certainly not why I  asked to meet up with you' Bisi said and shoved his hand into his shorts.

All these while she'd been looking at his face but now that she really looked at him, she could see he was dressed in his favorite jersey and khaki shorts.

She'd spent time getting ready for this date but Bisi didn't look like he had  put in any effort. It was like a slap in the face, this was their relationship.....she'd put in all the effort and Bisi would do nada but she was fine with that.

'Why are you treating me like this Bisi, what did I do?' she asked looking at her fingers now because tears were starting to form in her eyes.

'Don't play the victim card Iyoma, don't you dare? I'm the victim here, you've been throwing yourself at me for over two years even when I didn't want you. I tolerated you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings and I was hoping you'd take the hint and leave me the fuck alone but clearly you chose to be blind to all the red flags I've been waving. I don't love you Iyoma, to be honest I don't think I ever did' Bisi said and pushed a small brown envelope towards her.

'What's this?' she asked.

'That's a cheque of two million naira Iyoma, all those gifts you bought for me and everything you did for me, I hope this covers the cost' Bisi said.

Iyoma looked at the brown envelope and looked up at him in disbelief. 'Why would you do this Bisi, why...you think I care about the money?' Iyoma asked unable to hold back the stray tear that fell from her eyes.

'Everything I did for you was out of love, you think throwing a cheque my way is going to make up for the fact that you never reciprocated. I don't want your money Bisi, I love you and I want you. I know I'm a lot of work but I'll change. I've gotten a job, I won't be in your face everyday, I won't fight with your friends anymore. Please, just don't leave me...' Iyoma pleaded.

'I don't love you' Bisi said coldly. 'You could fall in love with me eventually, I'll wait' Iyoma reached out and held his hand.

Bisi pulled away immediately 'I will never love you Iyoma. To be honest, you're of no value to me. I just wanted to be friends with benefits, you're the one who shoved a relationship down my throat. Iyoma you don't care about anybody but yourself. I don't love you and I don't want to be in a relationship with you but you want me to love you and be in a relationship with you despite my feelings or what I want. You don't care if I have feelings for someone else or I want to be with someone else' Bisi hissed.

Iyoma gasped outraged 'How can you say I'm selfish, that I care only about myself? I've loved you for four years, I've done practically everything for you. I don't have a life asides you' She was about to break into loud ugly sobs and Bisi could see that.

He looked around and saw Baileys heading towards them. It wasn't even up to ten minutes yet. 'I'm leaving Iyoma, take the cheque and do whatever with it' Bisi said standing up.

'It's not even ten minutes, you can't stand me anymore?' Iyoma asked with tears streaming down her face. She was getting concerned and confused looks from some people but she didn't care.

Bisi scoffed 'Your crocodile tears isn't going to change anything, you're the worst mistake of my life' he said as Baileys got to him.

Iyoma glared at Baileys 'So you're leaving me for the prostitute?' She said hoping to get a reaction from the man stealer.

Baileys laughed heartily 'I guess there's something you weren't doing right and I'm making up for it. I can see why he's leaving you anyway, pathetic bitch' Baileys pretty face scrunched up in disgust.

'Baileys, she's not worth it let's go. She's trying to get a reaction out of you, that's what she does best' Bisi said trying to pull Baileys away but she wasn't done with Iyoma.

Iyoma gasped and looked at Bisi hurt 'I'm not worth it, Bisi.....how...why...?' her voice broke and she buried her face in her palm.

'Awwwn, cry cry baby. Listen to me, I'm going to let you calling me a prostitute tonight slide because this is not the right place for a catfight but I swear to God, if you try it again or I see you near Olabisi...I'll ruin your stupid face. Desperate bitch' Baileys threatened before leaving with Bisi.

Iyoma for once didn't have the strength to chase after Bisi, she was shocked he'd said all those horrible things to her.

A man she'd loved and done everything for for four years, her heart broke again that night.

.....She's not worth it....

She shook her head as if it would stop his voice from playing over and over in her head.

Bisi and her were done, he'd left her. She still loved him, despite everything she still loved him but apparently she wasn't worth his time anymore.

She tried to hold back the tears but they were flooding her face so she buried her face in her hands and sobbed till her entire body was shaking with hurt.

'Ma'am are you okay?' She heard someone ask with concern. As she lifted her head to answer the person, she felt dizzy and a dull ache began to form in head.

'Yes I'm f...' she was saying but everything was getting blurry and the music was starting to fade out.

She was slipping out of consciousness and someone was shouting for help.

She embraced the darkness hoping that when the light came back everything would be fine and Bisi would be back.

He had to come back because she couldn't live without him.

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